Beautiful Work – 21/22 – Autumn 2

  • Year 1 – Writing

    Year 1 – Writing  Project Overview This half term, 1KN have based their writing around the story ‘The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers. The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in several experience days to hook and enhance their learning, one of which involved an imagineering session. The children were encouraged to imagine that they…

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  • Year 6 History

    Year 6- World War Two (WWII)  Project Overview In year 6, the children have been learning about World War Two. They have found this topic extremely interesting and have  demonstrated a keenness to learn, within every history lesson this half term! Within this topic, the children had the opportunity to complete a range of cross-curricular…

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  • 3FW – Geography – The UK

    The UK In Geography we have learnt about the four countries of the United Kingdom. We learnt that the UK comprises; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We studied a map to locate the capital and major cities of the UK and we labelled these on our class map. We learnt about the different traditions…

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  • Year 2 History – The Great Fire of London

    In Year 2, this term, we have had a wonderful time learning all about the Great Fire of London and we know the children have also been teaching their adults at home all about it too! The children have learned about this significant event in British history in many different ways and are now able…

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  • Reception – What do we celebrate?

    Reception- What do we celebrate? In Reception this half term we have been learning about different celebrations. We started by learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We looked at how people celebrate the festival of lights and made our own rangoli patterns and Diwa lamps. We then looked at Bonfire night and talked about…

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  • Year 2 – Science

    Year 2 – Animals and their offspring In Year 2 this half term, we have been learning all about the growth of animals, lifecycles, animals and their babies, and what animals need to survive. We have been learning outdoors as much as possible for this topic! The children have particularly enjoyed learning about the lifecycle…

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  • 1LS – RE – Harvest Festival

    1LS Celebrations In in Year 1  this half term our focus in RE has been celebrations. During the half term we have thought about Christian, Muslim and Jewish celebrations that occur throughout the year. The children have learnt about Eid, Sukkot, Harvest Festival, Christmas, Ramadan and Easter. We have thought about which religion celebrates each…

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