Beautiful Work – 21/22 – Autumn 2

  • Year 4 Lineham Farm

    Lineham Farm Project Overview Year 4 were incredibly lucky to attend Lineham Farm Residential this half term. It was a brilliant opportunity for children to build their resilience, teamwork skills, independence and most importantly, have loads of fun! We took part in different activities over the 3 days. These were Lineham Explorers where we took…

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  • Nursery – A celebration of Christmas

    Nursery – A celebration of Christmas This half term the children we have learnt about different celebrations that happen at this time of year including Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas.  As lots of us were very excited about the anticipated arrival of Father Christmas we read lots of stories about him and built him a…

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  • Design and Technology – year 5

    Frame structures – year 5 Year 5 have been learning about frame structures this half term. First, they looked at different examples of frame structures both natural and man made in their surrounding environment. Next, they used art straws to explore making different structures. The children had to learn how to fasten the straws together…

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  • Design and Technology – year 3

    Mechanisms – Moving Pictures by year 3 Year 3 have been learning about mechanisms in Design and Technology this half term. They have recapped their knowledge of how to make a moving picture from KS1 by making a simple sliding mechanism. Next, they practised the skill of making  a simple pivot lever using a split…

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  • Year 3 Science

    Rocks, Fossils and Soil Project Overview In year 3 this half term we have been learning all about rocks, fossils and soil formations. The children became Petrologists and Palaeontologists throughout this unit to support their learning.  The children began by classifying and grouping different types of rocks based on their appearance and simple properties. The…

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  • Year 5 – Geography

    Year 5 – Exploring Shackleton’s Antarctica In year 5, we have been learning all about Antarctica and Shackleton’s journey to explore this continent. The children were intrigued to learn facts about Antarctica itself, such as the Ross Ice Shelf being the size of France and that polar bears do not live in Antarctica! With the…

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  • Year 4 Electricity

    Year 4 – Electricity In Science this half term we have been learning about electricity. We have covered all areas from simple circuits, switches and electrical safety. The children first started out by doing a child led experiment where they had to construct a simple circuit based on what they already knew. It was interesting…

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  • Y6 Residential at Kingswood

    Y6 – Residential at Kingswood Project Overview This half term, Y6 were lucky enough to go to Kingswood Peak Venture in Sheffield. We stayed there for a whole week and the children enjoyed taking part in a wide range of activities, such as abseiling, rock climbing, zipwire, team games and many more!  This trip was…

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