Beautiful Work – 21/22 – Autumn 1

  • Year 4 History

    Anglo Saxons In year 4, we have been learning all about the Anglo Saxons. The children previously learned about the Romans so now we have learnt about what happened after the Roman Empire ended in Britain. We have considered why the Anglo Saxons travelled over to Britain and discussed the pros and cons. The children…

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  • Year 5 – Science

    Properties and Changes of Materials Project Overview We began our ‘Properties and Changes of Materials’ topic by comparing everyday materials’ qualities, such as: hardness, permeability, absorbency, flexibility, transparency, strength and response to magnets. Then, throughout the half-term, children worked scientifically to investigate thermal insulation, electrical conductivity and absorption. For each scientific question, the pupils thought…

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  • Year 6 – National Poetry Day

    Year 6 – National Poetry Day On the 7th October this year, we celebrated National Poetry Day. This is a day where poetry is a focus around the whole country and is shared. In Year 6, we spent the whole week looking at a variety of poetry in Reading lessons and practising how to perform…

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  • Year 5 – PSHE

    Year 5 – PSHE Being Me Project Overview Our theme this half term in PSHE has been ‘Being Me’. In this unit, the children have had the opportunity to discover what life is like for children all over the world. They have been able to understand what rights and responsibilities they have in their lives.…

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  • Year 6 Science

    Year 6- Animals Including Humans In Year 6 this half term we have been learning about ‘Animals Including Humans’. The children have found this a very interesting topic! After all the work that the children have completed during this half term they are now able to: The children really enjoyed learning about the double circulatory…

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  • Year 4 – Rugby with Hunslet RLFC

    Year 4 – Rugby with Hunslet RLFC In Year 4 we have had the privilege of two local rugby coaches from Hunsley RLFC come into school every Monday to teach us how to play rugby. We have built on our skills each week with passing, catching and finished with learning how to play the game.…

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  • Year 1- Human Body

    Year 1 – The Human Body This half term we have been learning all about the human body. We kicked off the topic with some outdoor learning. First, we used chalk to draw around our own bodies and then labelled the body parts that we already knew. We explored our bodies further by discussing our…

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  • Art – Year 1

    Art – weaving with textiles This half term the children in year 1 have been learning about textiles and  how to weave. We discussed what textiles, materials and fabrics are and they had the opportunity to feel and describe different fabrics. Next, the children looked at how fabrics and yarns are used to weave. They…

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