Beautiful Work – 21/22 – Autumn 1

  • Art -Year 3

    Mark Making by Year 3 Year 3 have been exploring mark making in art this half term. Their work has been closely linked to the history topic the Stone Age. The children have travelled back in time thousands of years ago and have read the story of The Lion Man and been ‘hunter gatherers’ foraging…

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  • Year 2 – Art

    Year 2 – Batik Style Art Project Overview In Year 2, we have been learning about Batik art. Batik is a method used to produce colourful designs so that they can be used in the home.  The children started by what a textile is and when they are used. They were able to describe the…

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  • Year 2 – Design and Technology – Fire Engines

    Fire Engines Project Overview This term we have been learning about how wheels and axles work.  We have examined a range of toys with moving wheels and we have drawn pictures and diagrams identifying the different parts.  We have considered the best shapes and sizes for wheels, including making our own shapes and designs using…

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  • Reception – Ourselves, Our Family and Our Community

    Reception- Ourselves, Our Family and Our Community  In Reception this half term we have been learning all about ourselves, our families and our community. At the beginning of the half term we focused lots on ourselves and our emotions as we settled into our new classroom environment. We have spent lots of time learning how…

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  • Year 3 history

    Year 3- The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Project Overview In year 3 this half term we have been gaining knowledge all about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.  Our overarching questions was to research whether trade was an important aspect of life during Prehistoric Britain. The children started by learning about…

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  • 3FW – Science – Forces

    Forces and Friction Project Overview In Year 3 this half term we have been learning about forces. We have learnt that a force is either a push or a pull and that it changes the shape or an object, causes an object to move, slow down or stop. We made our own Big Bad Wolf…

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  • Nursery-Settling In

    Nursery-Settling In Project Overview Nursery has been an exciting place this half term with lots of new children joining us. The children have been settling in, making friends, exploring provision and learning all about their new daily routine. The children have shown particular interest in role-playing in the home corner, exploring the movement area, transport…

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  • 1LS – Maths – Counting to 10

    Counting to 10 During our first couple of weeks in year 1 we have been revisiting numbers to 10. We have practised counting forwards and backwards within 10 and have started and stopped at given numbers. We have been following the Maths No Problem guidance. We have been comparing groups of objects within 10, saying…

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