Beautiful Work – 20/21 – Spring 2

  • Year 3- History

    Year 3- History: Ancient Egypt Project Overview This half term the children we have learnt about different celebrations that happen at this time of year including Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas.  As lots of us were very excited about the anticipated arrival of Father Christmas we read lots of stories about him and built him…

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  • Art – Year 6

    Sculpture by Year 6 Year 6 have been looking at sculpture this half term and have focused on the work of Jill Townsley a British Artist whose work includes sculpture, installations, photography, drawing and animation. They looked at a piece of work entitled ‘Spoons’ which explores the destruction of structure and form. The plastic spoons…

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  • Year 1 – Writing

    ‘The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers As a school, we use ‘The Write Stuff’ approach to our writing lessons. This half term we used the narrative ‘The Way Back Home’ to inspire our story writing. We had experience days mixed within our writing lesson. For example, during an experience lesson, children used drama to…

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  • Year 4- French

    Year 4- French – Au Café Project Overview This half term, the children have been learning new vocabularly for food and drink to answer the question qu’est-ce que tu prends pour le petit déjeuner? which means what would you like for breakfast? The children started by learning the names for some common breakfast drinks, such as…

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  • Reception – Once Upon A Time

    Reception- Once Upon A Time Our learning this half term has been based around the stories ‘The Three Horrid Pigs and the Big Friendly Wolf’ and ‘Beware of the Bears’. We begun our learning by reading the traditional tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We then introduced the story ‘The Three Horrid Pigs and the Big…

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  • Year 4 – The Plague

    Year 4- Writing- The Plague  We began this writing topic by looking at what a play script was. We discussed why we use the, when we use them and looked at the layout. The children were then given a play script to look at. I asked them to find different examples of features such as…

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  • Year 6 Science: Living Things and Their Habitats

    Year 6 Science: Living Things and Their Habitats  We began studying living things and their habitats during home learning as the children were able to explore either their own gardens or local natural areas. When we returned to school, we investigated key questions and the children developed their own predictions and investigations to answer these.…

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  • Year 6 – Virtual Art Gallery Trip and Sculpture

    Year 6 – Virtual Art Gallery Trip This half term, Year 6 were fortunate enough to have a virtual exhibition with Amanda and Leeds City Art Gallery. During this virtual trip, we became art detectives and explored the gallery and their new exhibition on sculpture. We then really focused our attention on Chris Drury’s sculpture…

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