Beautiful Work – 20/21 Autumn 2

  • Nursery – Witches and Wizards

    Witches and Wizards This half term we have been learning about Witches and Wizards. The children were excited to discover that a broken broomstick had appeared in the classroom and began working together to think about where it had come from and who it may have belonged to! They enjoyed thinking about the objects that…

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  • Art – Year 4

    Sculpture by year 4 This half term the children in year 4 have been learning about sculpture. They looked at the works of Sir Anthony Gormley’s Angel of the North, Brick Man, Field and Another Place. The children had the chance to discuss his sculptures and where they are placed. They noticed that lots of…

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  • Design and Technology – Year 1

    Mechanisms – sliders and leavers Year 1 children have been learning about mechanisms this half term in Design and Technology. They have looked carefully at examples of moving pictures that use a sliding mechanism. The children were given the chance to explore how to make a slider and thought about how this could be used…

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  • Year 1 – Seasonal Changes

    Science – Seasonal Changes Year 1 have been observing the changes in the weather this half term. They have learned which months are in which seasons and have been forecasting the weather over the autumn period.  The children have created their own weather measuring instruments and observed their recordings over the weeks, for example a…

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  • Year 5 – Forces

    Forces This half term, Year 5 have been learning about Forces. In our science lessons we have been looking at different types of forces such as gravity and friction. We have been looking at two types of friction – air resistance and water resistance.  The children have had the opportunity to carry out lots of…

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  • Year 4 – Electricity

    Electricity This half term, year 4 have been studying electricity in science. We’ve looked at how to make circuits, the different components and thought about how electricity travels. The children have carried out lots of experiments to be able to answer different questions about electricity.  What The Student Says “I found this topic really interesting…

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  • Year 5 – Art

    Robert and Sonia Delaunay The children researched husband and wife (Robert and Sonia Delaunay). They studied a range of their work and found out that the Delaunay’s were artists who created abstract art. The Delaunay’s created an art movement called Orphism. Orphism was noted for its use of strong colours and geometric shapes. After exploring the…

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  • Year 6 – World War 2

    World War II We have dedicated the whole term (September – December) to our history topic on World War II. The children have learnt all about who was involved in the war, both abroad and at home, and have studied the impact of the war on Leeds as well as those people who supported Britain’s…

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