Beautiful Work – 20/21 Autumn 2

  • Year 6 – Evolution and Inheritance

    Evolution and Inheritance Project Overview This half term, Year 6 have enjoyed learning all about the Theory of Evolution. They’ve studied fossils and the processes necessary for them to exist, created their own fossil models, experimented with beak types and debated evolution and creationism using scientific evidence.  Evolution vs Creationism

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  • Year 3 – The UK

    The UK Year 3 have been developing the essential qualities and skills of young geographers. They have been using computer programming and atlases to locate and explore the countries in the UK. The children have learned about the physical and human features of the UK, typical weather, how places have changed over time and the economical…

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  • Year 3- Science

    Animals including Humans This term in Year 3, we are going to be identifying that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat. We are also going to be identifying that humans and some other animals have skeletons…

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  • Reception – Celebrations

    Celebrations Reception have been learning about different celebrations. We begun by talking about the celebrations that we have had at home with our families. We shared photographs of these celebrations and talked about what we could remember. During the week of Bonfire Night we all visited the camp fire to see a real fire being…

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  • Year 4 – Anglo Saxons and Vikings

    Anglo Saxons and Vikings  This half term we have been looking at the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. The children have been looking at where they came from, how they invaded, what they brought with them and how they have impacted life today.  The children have carried out many investigations and learnt various aspects of this…

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  • Year 2 – Henri Matisse

    Henri Matisse This half term we have been learning about the French artist Henri Matisse. We looked at some of his art work and learnt that he used paper cut outs to create some of his later work. We used the same technique to create our own minibeasts.

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  • Year 1- Where do we live in the world?

    Where do we live in the world? This half term we have been thinking about the world. We looked at maps of the world and we identified that the country we live in is England. The city we live in is Leeds and the town we live in is Middleton.  We have learnt about human…

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