Year 4 – Persuasive Speeches

This halfterm, we have been reading The Last Bear by Hannah Gold. Out of the blue, we received a letter from April (the main character) asking us to help as she’d found litter along the shoreline in the Arctic. We wanted to help so we decided to write persuasive speeches to inform and persuade everyone about the dangers of littering and climate change and what we can all do to stop it. We learnt about the features of persuasive speeches, conducted lots of research, wrote our own speeches and performed in front of each other. We have recorded these and we are posting them on the website so we can spread the word: stop climate change and stop littering!

What The Student Says

We wanted to help April and most of all, we wanted to help Bear! Performing our speeches was so much fun.

What knowledge and skills have been developed?

The children developed a range of skills:
- Rhetorical questions
- Emotive language
- Exclamations
- Facts
- Conjunctions
- Fronted adverbials, including adverbs and prepositional phrases
- Varied pronouns
- Paragraphs
- Imperative verbs to convey urgency
- Present perfect tense
- Expanded noun phrases

We also worked on our oracy skills:
- Consider movement when addressing an audience
- Maintain attention throughout listening and talking

What the Teacher says

I have loved watching the children share their passion for the environment in these lessons. It was particularly wonderful to witness the growth in their confidence when performing in front of their peers. The children really focused on their use of hand gestures and expression as well as volume and eye contact to deliver engaging performances.

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