Year 3 – Art – Printing

The Year 3 children have enjoyed learning about different types of printing. They revisited prior learning and created their own repeating patterns using a variety of resources. The children looked carefully at an image of an ammonite and used oil pastels to create their own monoprint. Then, they used printing ink. The children rolled out printing ink and quickly drew an image into the surface of the ink. They then placed a piece of paper over the top of the printing ink and transferred the image to the paper. Finally, the children created a relief print block using a polystyrene tile.

What The Student Says

I used too much ink on my first print so I tried again with less ink and it worked better. 3FW child

I enjoyed creating my ammonite print. I used different colours to make it look nice. 3FW child

It was hard to trace the ammonite onto the polystyrene tile because it kept ripping but I managed it in the end. 3FW child

What knowledge and skills have been developed?

- Design and create a repeated relief print considering background paper

- Use sketchbooks to explore and develop prints making changes where needed

- Understand the difference between repeat printing and mono printing

What the Teacher says

The children thoroughly enjoyed this unit of work and they work carefully and methodically to create a variety of different prints. The children enjoyed discussing the different prints and techniques. They enjoyed having the opportunity to experiment with the different techniques by using different coloured pastels, different amounts of printing in and different pressure on the paper when creating their relief block prints. I was really impressed with their attitude and enthusiasm towards their learning and was thrilled with the prints they produced!

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