Year 2- Design and Technology- Mechanisms

This half term, as part of our Mechanisms topic we created our very own moving fire engines! As we were learning all about the Great Fire of London, we decided this would be the best-suited vehicle to design. We looked at fire engines from the past and present and had 2 DT days during which we researched, designed, produced and evaluated our products. Our main aim was to design and create a working axle and wheels to ensure our fire engines could move.

What The Student Says

"I really enjoyed working with my partner to create our very own fire engine! It was fun to choose our own resources as well as make it move." 2KB Child

"It was my favourite lesson, I really wanted to make my fire engine move really fast!" 2JB Child

"My fire engine was super! It was very brightly coloured and it was even better that we managed to make it move. I knew I needed sensible wheels on it to make sure it moved properly." 2KB Child

What knowledge and skills have been developed?

Design and Technology Skills:

Key learning:
-Explore and evaluate a range of existing products
-Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria
-Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable
-Explore and use mechanisms [for example, levers, sliders, wheels and axles], in their products
-Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users based on design criteria

What the Teacher says

The children all showed an excellent level of understanding and set themselves high standards for what they wanted to achieve. They showed they could work well with a partner throughout all stages of the planning process. A lot of time and effort was put into their work and they showed their ability to carefully select resources and materials for purpose. The children put a lot of pride into their final product and couldn't wait to share them with one another. They showed they clearly understood the mechanisms relating to a working axel and wheels and how this would determine the success of their final creations.

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