Y6 – London

Y6 – London

After all our hard work preparing for SATs, Y6 loved spending two days in London. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company, tour some of London’s most famous sites, see a West End musical and explore The Science Museum! We managed to pack so much in to such a short time. 

Whilst touring London, the children observed the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, Downing Street, St James’ Park and Buckingham Palace. Preparations for the Queen’s jubilee were in full swing, so we couldn’t get as close to the palace as we’d hoped, but the children were fascinated by the many Queen’s guards we saw rehearsing processions on horseback.

Before we dinner at Pizza Hut, the children explored Leicester Square. Their favourites were M&M World and the Lego shop. Before the show, we also meandered around Covent Garden, watching the street performers impressive tourists with their acts. 

Finally, we watched The Lion King, which everyone found extremely entertaining. The costumes and staging were amazing and I think it’s fair to say, we have a few budding future actors and actresses in our midst.

At The Science Museum the following day, we went around in groups, learning about medicine through time, space and major scientific break-throughs from history. Whilst there, Y6 used our school iPads to compete on the Treasure Hunters App, which allowed them to critically consider parts of the museum. 

What The Student Says

"The London trip was so much fun, even though all the walking was exhausting!"

"I didn't know there were police officers with guns guarding Downing Street or that there are gates stopping you from knocking on Boris Johnson's door."

"I was surprised by how many pretty parks there were. I thought it would just be lots of buildings and roads."

"The theatre was amazing. I want to be an actress now. My favourite bit was when Pumbaa and Timon were singing Hakuna Matata."

What skills were developed?

  • developed their communication and language skills
  • used rounding skills when buying products from the shops in Leicester Square
  • followed instructions carefully
  • understanding of specific topics in science including medicine and space
  • resilience when walking in high temperatures for miles and encouraging each other to keep going

What the Teacher says

The trip to London was fabulous. I loved seeing the children's faces light up on the coach when they recognised some of London's most famous sites, such as Wembley Stadium and The London Eye. Throughout the trip, the children did themselves proud, showing respect to all members of the public at all times.

Watching all of Y6 drink in the magic of The Lion King live on stage was brilliant. They were in awe at the skill of the actors, costume and set designers, as well as the musicians.

In The Science Museum, everyone worked well in pairs or small groups to compete to find a range of artefacts.

A brilliant trip with a brilliant cohort!

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