Y6 – Kingswood Residential

Year 6 – Kingswood Residential

In the last week of Summer 1, Y6 were lucky enough to go on a week-long residential trip to Kingswood.

The children (and teachers) loved developing their teamwork skills whilst also challenging themselves to complete a range of activities, games and tasks.

Whilst at Kingswood, the children took part in a mixture of team based activities and challenges which pushed them to their limits:

  • Ropes: 3G swing, balance beam, climbing wall, Leap of Faith, Jungle Vine, zipwire, abseiling, Jacob’s Ladder
  • Aeroball
  • Archery
  • Campfire
  • Bushcraft tasks
  • Laser tag
  • Nightline
  • Mini Olympics
  • Movie night
  • Scrapheap challenge
  • Quiz
  • Problem solving
  • Team games

What skills were developed?

What The Teacher Says

What The Student Says

"I'm so proud of myself for not giving up!" Y6 Child

"My favourite was the 3G Swing. I was so scared but it was so fun." Y6 Child

What skills were developed?

Throughout the week, a range of skills were developed in line with Clapgate's Golden Threads, specifically Humanity, Grit and Team. The children worked hard whilst taking part in the activities to develop the following qualities:

  • Resilience
  • Confidence
  • Life skills
  • Communication & Teamwork

These skills support our teaching of SMSC & British Values. The list below showcases some of the skills that were developed in line with the DfE's guidance. • Students developed their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence•

Students distinguished right from wrong• Students learnt to accept responsibility for their behaviour and show initiative • Pupils developed their respect for democracy and rules

What the Teacher says

"It was brilliant to be able to take our Y6 children on a residential trip before they leave us to continue their education at their chosen high schools.

After multiple lockdowns, the opportunity to learn outdoors and with their friends, working primarily on their teamwork and resilience has really benefited all the children.

Kingswood provided our pupils with life-long memories, where they challenged themselves to their limits. A particular highlight for me was listening to the chorus of pupils cheering each other on, supporting their classmates to achieve their potential."

Y6 Class Teacher

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