Y3 – Living Things and their Habitats

Y3 – Living Things and their Habitats

This half term the children have enjoyed exploring our outdoor areas whilst learning about living things and their habitats. 

They learnt about different habitats and microhabitats and thought about how animals were adapted to live in different habitats and what they needed in their habitat or microhabitat. 

The children researched different minibeasts and went on an outdoor minibeast hunt. They recorded the different minibeasts they saw, which microhabitat they were in and thought of adjectives to describe the microhabitat. 

The children designed and labelled their own microhabitats and thought carefully about the features the microhabitat would need.

The children have thought about the different things that living things need. They learnt about things that are living, non living and never been alive. They went on a hunt for different objects and classified them as ‘living’, ‘non-living’ and ‘never been alive.’ 

What The Student Says

"I liked catching the tadpoles."

"A living thing needs air to breathe."

"I have used leaves to make my microhabitat because caterpillars eat leaves and they can hide underneath."

"There are lots of different minibeasts living in the grass."

What skills were developed?

  • developed their observation skills
  • learnt how to classify objects into different groups
  • learnt that living things move, breathe, eat, grow, excrete and reproduce
  • learnt that animals are adapted to different habitats

What the Teacher says

We have enjoyed taking the children outdoors to find different minibeasts in our school grounds. They were really keen to visit the school pond to see if they could spot any minibeasts there. Some children were lucky enough to catch and observe tadpoles and froglets.

They enjoyed building their own microhabitats and were able to discuss their features. It has been lovely to see the children experiencing science in their own environment.

- Mrs Widdows and Miss Crowther, Class Teachers.

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