
You can make anything by writing

- C.S. Lewis

Writing at Clapgate

Pupils at Clapgate benefit from a wide range of approaches in our writing lessons.

At Clapgate Primary School, we understand the importance of fostering a love of writing so that our children develop into lifelong effective speakers and writers who can communicate their thoughts and ideas articulately. By carefully sequencing learning and providing a wealth of creative and engaging contexts to write within, we aim to enable all pupils to make good or better progress and enjoy writing for a range of purposes. 

We have worked on our medium-term plans, identifying where different objectives are being taught, and which texts will support the children’s writing, and we have brought back a stronger focus on drama and “imagineering”, and using creative hooks to stimulate the children’s writing.  Teachers ensure that sufficient practice activities are planned in to teach new objectives in context, before attempting to use these independently in a longer piece of writing.  We ensure children see good quality models to pick apart so that they understand the genre they are writing in.  Lessons include live modelling to engage the children and ensure their ideas are seen as part of the writing process.    

As C.S. Lewis said, “You can make anything by writing.” Our aim is to ensure that our pupils leave Clapgate at the end of Y6 with writing as a tool with which they can make anything.

Policies for Writing 

Please see below for the links to our different policies in Writing. 

Writing Policies & DocumentsDownload
Clapgate Writing Policy 24-26Download
Handwriting PolicyDownload

Writing Information

Overview of Subject Approach

Please see the document below which clearly outlines our writing approach teaching at Clapgate.

Writing at Clapgate – an overview of our approach

Learner Profile of a Writer
Medium Term Plans

Please see some examples of our medium term plans across school. As we respond to the needs of our pupils and their interests, the medium terms are adapted each half term. 

Year 4

MTP Autumn 2 Year 4 Varjak Paw

Year 6

MTP Spring 1 Year 6 Jekyll and Hyde

Skills Progression

Here you will find our skills progression documents for writing.

Oracy Progression

English Progression from EYFS – Y6

Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar (PVPG)

At the beginning of every year, children in years 1-6 will have a sole focus on punctuation and grammar. We use the Grammarsaurus Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar (PVPG) framework, a teaching tool designed to enhance students’ understanding and application of punctuation and grammar through a systematic approach. This approach enables us to identify key focus areas to address learning gaps efficiently while building a whole-school strategy for grammar progression. The PVPG approach includes engaging methods such as songs, rhymes, and creative exercises to make grammar concepts accessible and memorable for students. 

Early Years Literacy

Please click on the star below to find out more information about Early Years Literacy at Clapgate.

Key Stage One Curious Quests

To support the transition from Early Years to Key Stage One, we have adopted ‘The Curious Quests‘ as our approach for teaching writing to years 1 and 2. This approach builds on ‘Drawing Club’ by giving opportunities for children to learn the mechanics of writing through explicit vocabulary teaching, giving children a purpose for writing, igniting their imagination and supporting the development of writing through small group work with the teacher. The children will also have independent access to carefully resourced continuous provision. Through this approach, we aim to create children who are creative and excited about writing, while being able to apply the relevant skills and knowledge so that they are competent writers too. 

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