What’s New At Clapgate?

  • Summer Music Concerts

    Our Summer music concerts were a resounding success! We were thrilled to invite parents into school to watch their children preform from Reception to Year 6. In-Harmony have provided the children with prestigious opportunities to learn how to read and play music. We are so proud of the progress and achievements the children have made either with instruments…

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  • Year 6 – Wizard Of Oz 

    Tuesday 27th June and Wednesday 28th June  Each year, Year 6 take part in a school musical. This year it was Wizard Of Oz. The children had worked every week in an after school club that started in September. Once SATS were over, we spent a long time sorting out costumes, perfecting songs, learning lines…

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  • Opera North In Harmony Choir Concert

    Project Overview On Saturday 18th March, Clapgate choir club took part in a concert held at Morley Town Hall. Mrs Wilson who attended the event with In Harmony said “I had the pleasure of attending the Opera North choir concert with the children from year 5/6. They were incredible, so well behaved and a credit to their parents.…

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  • Circus Workshops!

    Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th March Within our Circus Week, all classes participated in circus workshops with Team Sensible. The Team Sensible performers showcased their own skills to the children and then classes got to give it a try themselves. This included learning skills in hoola-hooping, exploring flower sticks & trying plate spinning!  The children…

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  • Children’s Mental Health Week

    6 – 10th February 2023 Between the 6-10th February, we celebrated and raised awareness for children’s mental health week. Through the week, children completed activities and mindfulness lessons in order to understand the importance of recognising a healthy mind, and how to seek support when needed. We finished off the week with a ‘Dress to…

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