School Council

The experience of schools which have pupil participation indicates that pupils are happier and participate in their education more effectively when their ideas are listened to, and their opinions valued.

On this page we will be keeping you up to date with the school council projects. Our school council members are made up of children from years 3 – 6 who will be supported by Miss Holmes.

Meet the Team

At Clapgate Primary School, we believe in the importance of Pupil Voice.

The School Council Team role gives children the opportunity to express their views and make their opinions count. The team is an elected body of students who work with the Senior Leadership Team to improve the school.

Children who were interested in the role put themselves forward for election by presenting a speech to the rest of the children in their class to let them know why they would be an ideal candidate. The rest of the children, in class, then voted for their preferred candidate. 

The team meet regularly with the Headteacher or the most relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss new initiatives and to give feedback from their peers on specific projects and topics.

Our Aims

Being in the School Council is something that the children are always very proud of. The children have all been voted for by their peers based on their response to the school Job Description.

Whilst in the school council, the children will be given opportunities to develop their leadership and communication skills.

This is how Clapgate School Council is effective:

Knowledge: The councillors often seek new knowledge in order to be successful in their role. Therefore opportunities for research and training are created. The councillors also recognise and value the strengths of the individuals in the team.

Spark: The councillors use their creativity and imagination to take on any changes and projects that their peers address. They also encourage their peers to share ideas and encourage the ethos that ‘no idea is a bad idea’. 

Team: Regular meetings take place in school. Good communication and collaboration happens between representatives and their class. At times the councillors work in smaller groups (subcommittees) on specific events or issues

Grit: The councillors often face barriers when working on projects. They will need to rely of their resilience and support to see it through to the end. 

Humanity: The councillors understand that they are representative of the whole school. They are always respectful of their peers. 

Most importantly: “A good school council is one that represents the views of all students and gets things done.”

Meeting Minutes

The School Council meets weekly during term time. Click the links below to see what was discussed in each school council meeting.



School Council 2021
Our first challenges was to create a logo and motto for the School Council. The councilors asked their classes about what they think school council is and what they think the role of a school councilor is. 

Below, you can see the evolution of the logo and motto. We started looking at different ideas and decided our favourite. The final design will be revealed soon. Watch the top of this page to see which design won the vote.

Also a special mention to Mikey, who took the lead on this project, for taking all the ideas and creating the final logo. 

Here you can see the process from the first ideas, in our initial meeting as well as those created by Summer at home, to the final decision. The councillors thought about what they liked and what they wanted to include. You will notice  that the team decided that they would like to incorporate the new Clapgate colours. They also wanted it to be clear in the logo and motto that the role of a school councilor is to listen and develop a love for learning. Chriselda suggested that we could include an ear on the logo.

Mikey created 2 designs for the councillors to choose from based on the feedback from his peers. 

The team also thought that whilst most of the children are learning at home and cannot contact their councillors we could use an email address. If this is something that is possible we decided that we could include the address on the logo at a later date.

British Values 2021

The School Council are a huge part of the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of all the children in school. Because of this, Miss Proctor has asked the councillors to think about how they can make the children of Clapgate aware of their rights as a citizen of Britain. They were made aware of a new incentive where children can wear a badge for a day who show one of the British Values.

The children worked in small groups and spent some time researching the British Values, writing a script and filming a video to explain to the school how the new incentive will work. The time any effort which was put into this task amazed Miss Jones. Here you can see a PowerPoint about Mutual Respect created by Chriselda and on the right is Maisie’s work on Individual Liberty. 

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