Reception – Growing

Reception – Growing

Project Overview

We came back from the Easter holidays to find something very exciting in our classroom – some hen eggs! We also had a letter from the hen asking us to look after them for her. The children loved watching the baby chicks hatch out of their eggs in the incubator. The children helped look after the chicks by feeding them, giving them water, changing their bedding, and of course, giving them lots of cuddles! We learnt that the chicks will grow up into chickens or roosters, as well as the names of some other baby farm animals. 

We also enjoyed planting our own seeds to grow some vegetables and flowers. We learnt that our seeds need light, water, soil and oxygen to grow! We made our own yummy vegetable soup which helped us practice our chopping skills, and some of us really enjoyed eating it! We learnt that we eat healthy food (just like our soup) to make us grow strong and have lots of energy.

The children have also made some fantastic art work this half term. They used paint to make some beautiful symmetrical butterflies, and during our learing about Claude Monet, they even created their own ‘Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies’ painting.  

What The Student Says

  • "The chicks stay in the incubator to say warm!"
  • "This chick is a girl because she's a bit more brown. She will grow into a hen."
  • "The seed that was in the dark looks so funny! It doesn't look very healthy."
  • "Eating healthy food will make me big and strong. Carrots help me see in the dark!"
  • "The soup is very yummy. I like the juice the best."

What skills were developed?

  • Learnt about the life cycle of a chicken.
  • Learnt how to look after baby chicks.
  • Planted their own seeds and learnt how to care for them.
  • Developed their chopping skills.
  • Practiced recalling number bonds to 10.
  • Developed their measuring skills by weighing vegetables.
  • Sang a range of well known songs and nursery rhymes.
  • Continued to practice their reading.
  • Used their creativity to create beautiful paintings.

What the Teacher says

The children have absolutely loved having the chicks in the classroom this half term, and it has been really beneficial for them to see a life cycle in real life! They were so great with helping to look after them as well.

It's been so lovely to get out in the warmer weather and plant our own flowers and vegetables, and we're excited to see what grows!

The children's art work has been beautiful, and it's been amazing to see them take so much time over their painting. Their paintings inspired by Claude Monet are absolutely wonderful!

-Miss Barwick, RAB Class Teacher. 

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