Reception- All Creatures Great and Small

Reception- All Creatures Great and Small

In Reception this half term we have been learning all about living things and their environments. At the beginning of the half term we received a delivery of eggs from Bluebell the hen. She asked us to look after her eggs until they had hatched. We loved caring for the eggs and watching the hatching process take place. We were lucky enough to see all 10 eggs hatch into healthy chickens and with this became familiar with the life cycle of a hen. As we had done such a good job looking after her chickens, Bluebell asked us if we would like to look after some caterpillars as well. We decided that before we could house the caterpillars, we needed to learn all about them. To help us with this, we read the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ which told us all about the life cycle of a butterfly. We had lots of fun creating some natural art outside to show this cycle and we produced some beautiful writing. 

Once we had caterpillars and chickens, there was only one thing missing – MINI-BEAST’S! We couldn’t wait to get building our own mini-beasts hotel and creating a safe space for mini-beast’s to gather in our outdoor area. We enjoyed going on mini-beast hunts, learning lots of facts about a range of mini-beast’s and making our own mini-beast sculptures out of clay.

What The Student Says

"I loved it when we got to make our own bug hotel. I found a wiggly worm in there yesterday!"- RSP child

"The chickens are my favourite. They have grown so much and now they have feathers. They are not chicks anymore, they are hens!"- RSP child

"I enjoyed drawing my ladybird on the iPad because it's easier than drawing on paper" - RPJ child

"I enjoyed making my spider because I like cutting. I make a butterfly too" - RPJ child

What skills were developed?

  • developed their communication and language skills
  • developed their observational skills
  • made predictions
  • noticed  similarities and differences in regards to living things and their environment
  • followed instructions carefully
  • cared for a variety of living things
  • developed their ability to explain why some things occur
  • developed the ability to talk about changes

What the Teacher says

Over the last half term I have loved seeing how engaged the children have been in their learning about mini-beasts. The children have learnt lots of new information and they can talk about mini-beasts readily. I am also very proud of how caring the children in reception have become towards living things and their environment. They have done an incredible job of looking after our class chickens and caterpillars!

- Miss Procter, RSP Class Teacher

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