September Attendance Letter for Parents

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Whistleblowing Policy 25/27Behaviour Principles StatementCharging & Remissions PolicyHealth and Safety PolicySchool Council Anti Bullying PolicyAccessibility Plan 23-26RSHE Policy 24-27Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 23-25Equalities Policy 2024SMSC Policy 24-26School Complaints Policy and ProceduresFirst Aid Procedures 24/25Handwriting PolicyClapgate Writing Policy 24-26Attendance Matters Information BookletAttendance Policy 23-25Clapgate Primary SEN Information Report 2023Clapgate Primary School SEN Policy 2023Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement- EYFSSchools Financial BenchmarkingSchool Uniform Policy 22 24Self Disclosure Flow ChartSEN Information Report 2024SEN Policy 2024Suspension and permanent exclusion guidance september 23Trade Union Facility Time 22 23Attendance Policy Appendix 1 Attendance Matters Information BookletBehaviour policy September 24/26Children missing in educationCode of Practice for DBS November 2015Collective Worship Policy 20 22Computing and E Safety Policy 23 24Data Protection Policy 23 25Dealing with Abusive Parents and Carers 24 26Educational Visits Policy 23 25EYFS Policy 2024-2026Football Policy 23 25Freedom of Information Policy 23 25Guidance for Safer Working Practice Feb 2022Home school agreementHomework Policy 24 26Intimate Care Policy EYFS 2024-26Invacuation Policy Jan 25Marking and Feedback Policy 23 25Online safety and social media policy 23 24Policy Statement on the Recruitment of ExRSE Content Grid 1Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2024/2025School Dinner and Food PolicySchool Dinner and Food Policy Balanced Packed Lunch PosterSchool Dinner and Food Policy Healthy Snacks Information 1School Dog Risk Assessment 23 25Admissions Policy 23-24Admissions Policy 24-25Admissions Policy 25-26Admissions Policy 25 26 Appendix B Priority 1aAdmissions Policy 25 26 Appendix C Priority 1bTest item

Privacy Policy

We regard your privacy as important and any personal information you give to us will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations.

We do not store personal information about individuals who visit this site except where they provide contact information via our contact us page and contact forms available on various pages throughout the website.

Any information you provide will only be used for the reasons specified and it will not be shared with any third party without your consent, unless required by law.

Your contact details are kept securely and are only accessed by authorised members of staff as part of the provision of school services. If you do not wish us to keep this contact information please tell us.

This website uses Google Analytics which provides statistical data about the usage of the site. This information is not used to identify individuals, but is collected to provide us with an understanding of the areas of interest on our site and how our site is being used.

If you are connected to the internet you will have an IP Address. This may take the form of a figure, such as 333.333.22.1. The address will be automatically collected and logged as part of the connection of your computer to our web server and may be used to determine the total number of visits to each part of the site. This data is not collected and used for other purposes.

This website contains links to other websites. The School is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites or organisations and recommends you consult the privacy information on those sites.

This policy will be reviewed and updated versions will be posted on the website.

If you have any questions about the use of your personal information, the Information Commissioner is the independent regulator for both Data Protection and Freedom of Information.