Nursery- Pirates

Nursery- Pirates

Ahoy! We have been very busy in nursery learning how to be pirates. The children have fully immersed themselves into the pirate theme and shown lots of enthusiasm towards all the new skills they have learnt. 

First, we discovered a letter that had been delivered by a pirate which explained that he had left some treasure at school along with some clues to help us find it. The followed the clues around the school grounds until it lead us to a large treasure box. Inside the box was some treasure, some underwear and the story “Pirates Love Underpants”. This led to the children making their own treasure maps, using features of the story to help including “x marks the spot”. 

We spent time outside building a pirate ship using the large construction materials, making sure we worked as a team and took it in turns to be the captain who sailed the ship! As well as this we ventured into the woods to make pirate swords using different lengths sticks.. This took a lot of grit and perseverance from the children as they wrapped the string to join the sticks together.

Not forgetting the time that we all had to walk the plank to make sure we didn’t get eaten by the sharks! We moved our bodies in different ways to get across. This included, walking, crawling and even side stepping.

What The Student Says

"This is where the treasure is. X marks the spot."

"The pirate steeled the treasure. That isn't following our golden rules."

"The shark didn't eat me."

"I've made a map and this is the pirates knickers and the treasure is hear at my house."

What skills were developed?

  • developed their communication and language skills
  • developed their turn taking and sharing skills
  • learned a new song
  • followed instructions carefully
  • Developed their counting skills
  • Developed their fine and gross motor skills through exciting challenges
  • Built relationships with their peers
  • Used their imagination during their play
  • Developed new skills to create in the workshop

What the Teacher says

It has been a treat to see the children learn and develop over the past half term. The children have really impressed me with their level of engagement within their learning and their ability to demonstrate what they have learnt within their play.

The children seemed to particularly enjoy learning a new pirate song that we filmed and sent to our grown ups. The smiles on their faces when i played it back to them was lovely to see.

I am super proud of each and everyone of you!

Miss Morton, Nursery Class Teacher.

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