Nursery – A celebration of Christmas

Nursery – A celebration of Christmas

This half term the children we have learnt about different celebrations that happen at this time of year including Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas. 

As lots of us were very excited about the anticipated arrival of Father Christmas we read lots of stories about him and built him a sleigh in outdoor area. We also learnt about all of his reindeer and decided that they would enjoy a treat on Christmas Eve too, so we set about making them a tasty treat of reindeer food. We had to use our fingers to gently sprinkle some magic into bowl, our arm muscles to stir the oat and cereal mixture and we had to concentrate very carefully to spoon the special mix into a bag to take home. We know that is important to tell Santa what we would like for Christmas so we wrote him a letter and walked to the post box to send it to the North Pole. We also noticed that in lots of stories there was snow in many of the pictures so we got creative with rolling marbles through white paint to create a giant snowball picture. We also used shaving foam to squeeze a big fluffy beard onto pictures of Santa. It really made us use our arm and hand muscles to squeeze the foam! In maths we compared the size of presents, used wrapping paper to talk about pattern, colour and shape and practised using the langauge of ‘longer’ and ‘shorter’ to make Christmas tree pictures. 

In Nursery, it is really important for us to learn how to share and take turns with our friends so we played Pass the Parcel at our Christmas party and we shared a tasty mince pie treat at the snack table with our friends. We also work on developing our performance skills and we did just that when we performed our very first Nativity for our grown ups! We sang Christmas songs, wore special costumes and danced in front of an audience. Our teachers and grown ups were so proud of us! 

As we had been such good boys and girls we had a special visitor on our last day of school who brought us a gift- can you guess who it was? 

What The Student Says

"I was really brave when I singed for my mummy"

"Santa camed to see me because I been so good and he gived me a book to read and I love it!"

"I didn't know I liked mince pies but I actually do, its really tasty and I like the sugar on the top"

"Look, I made a special glitter christmas tree for my daddy and its got these long bits and these short bits."

What skills were developed?

  • developed their communication and language skills
  • developed their turn taking and sharing skills
  • improved in confidence when performing in front of others
  • followed instructions carefully
  • tasted new foods and used their senses to describe them
  • developed their fine and gross motor skills through exciting challenges

What the Teacher says

It has been such a treat to see the children become so engaged with their learning this half term. The children have been able to talk about what they are enjoying and we have been able to extend their vocabulary by introducing lots of new terms to them. They have been truly caught up in the awe and wonder of Christmas time and to see them stood in front of their special adults singing and dancing with huge smiles was magical.

- Mrs Lawton and Mrs Smith, Class Teachers.

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