The Wooden Spoon Community Cabin

Jamie Jones – Buchanan Visits Clapgate Primary!

On Thursday 26th January, we held our launch event for our new, exciting Community Cabin. We were lucky enough to have Jamie Jones-Buchanan (Leeds Rhinos Legend) visit school. He spoke to the children about his personal journey to success and was a real inspiration to our children. He cut the ribbon to open this fantastic space to a huge round of applause.

Our Arts Council welcomed a range of visitors, including Councillor Wayne Dixon, BITMO, Wooden Spoon, Flourishing Families, as well as lots of parents. We served bacon and sausage sandwiches, cakes and tea and coffee in our new community kitchen and everyone enjoyed the chance to look around the new space. We had a reporter from the Yorkshire Evening Post visiting too, so look out for the publication in the paper.

We are looking forward to hosting a range of exciting workshops in the cabin, including cooking with Flourishing Families, behaviour workshops to support parents, reading workshops and the Community Pantry will be taking place in the Community Cabin from now on. We also have a brilliant kitchen, where DT lessons will be taking place for the whole class, and we know the children are very excited about this.

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