Mission and Values

There is a high degree of consistency in the quality of teaching, and a culture of high expectations pervades the school

- Ofsted, 2019

Our Mission

Throughout school, from Nursery to Year 6, we will:
  • Create memories
  • Nurture talents
  • Spark curiosity
  • Raise self-esteem and aspirations
  • Motivate children to adopt healthy, active lifestyles
  • Equip all children with the skills and attitudes they need to be happy, successful and caring individuals. 

Our Curriculum Intent

Central to our decisions about our curriculum and our approach are the key words that form the basis of our learner profile.

These are our golden threads:

Knowledge – we want our children to be knowledge seekers and keepers. 

Spark – we want children to be imaginative and creative

Team – we want our children to be communicators and collaborators

Grit – we want our children to be motivated and resilient

Humanity – we want our children to be respectful and caring

Key Reasons to Choose Clapgate…

  • Happy, respectful, motivated children
  • Highly skilled, committed, caring staff
  • Rigorous, effective teaching, leading to excellent progress
  • A culture of high expectations and celebration of achievements
  • An expert therapeutic team and strong pastoral support
  • A fun, vibrant atmosphere
  • Exceptional classroom environments
  • A creative approach to the curriculum with distinctive golden threads
  • Strong pupil voice through our arts council, arts magazine, arts radio, school council, outdoor council, play leaders and play buddies
  • Fantastic extra-curricular opportunities and community events
  • A daily active club before school
  • A wide range of sporting activities and an active approach to learning
  • Specialist teaching in music, PE and art with a dedicated art room
  • Unique opportunities in the performing arts
  • A wealth of school trips and residentials, including the opportunity to go to London
  • Our therapy dog, Rufus
  • Outstanding school grounds including vast playing fields, a nature area, a campfire …circle, animals and allotments

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