
It is better to solve one problem five different ways, than to solve five problems one way.

- George Polya

At Clapgate we want our children to become life-long mathematicians and confident problem-solvers.  We use a teaching for mastery approach which is underpinned by the Five Big Ideas detailed by the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics).

For further information about the Five Big Ideas please click on the link:

Each maths lesson features pair work, independent work and a great deal of discussion, supported by the use of stem sentences.  Children use maths equipment (manipulatives) such as dienes, place value counters, ten frames and place value charts to support them in their learning.  Pictorial representations are also integral to each lesson to help the children to understand the concepts they are being taught.  Every lesson starts with a contextual story that the children explore and unpick with their partners.  Children work in mixed ability pairs and all children access the same activity (where appropriate). 

Maths is interesting, engaging and challenging!

Click here to see some incredible Maths work across school.

Overview of Subject Approach

Please see the document below which clearly outlines our approach to teaching maths  at Clapgate.

Learner Profile of a Mathematician

Here you will find our subject learner profile for maths.

Curriculum Map

Our long term plan for Reception to year 6 can be found here: 

Maths Curriculum Map At Clapgate

Medium Term Plans

Teachers use the White Rose Maths schemes of work to support them in the planning and teaching of their maths lessons. The medium term plans included here are used as a guide and teachers make amendments to these when planning their lessons or in the moment, in order to meet the needs of their class.

Key Stage 1 

 Key Stage 2

Additional Information

The link below will take you to the National Curriculum for Mathematics:

For further information about the principles of maths mastery, see below:

Useful Links

The following webpage has links to videos that can help you to understand how maths is taught and how you can help your child at home:

The White Rose One-Minute Maths App helps children build greater number confidence and fluency. It offers targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks.

The ‘Parents & pupils’ section of the White Rose website has home learning videos that are linked to the scheme of learning.

There are also free downloadable workbooks that you can use to help your child at home:

Times Tables and Number Facts

Times Tables and Number Facts

Knowing times tables and number facts is key to helping children to become confident and fluent in solving maths problems. Children are expected to know times tables to 12×12 by the end of year 4. 

We subscribe to the Times Tables Rock Stars website (KS2) and to Numbots (KS1) so that children can regularly practise these important elements of maths. These are fun, interactive platforms which allow the children to progress. They also get to create an avatar!

Children have log in details for these websites and are able to access them in school and at home. You can visit the websites above or both also have apps. 

Below are some links to letters which explain the different levels that the children can play on each program and how they can progress.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

In June, Year 4 children are required to take a short online test to answer randomly-generated questions based on all the times tables up to 12 x 12.  The MTC will be delivered as an online, on-screen digital assessment and will take each pupil less than 5 minutes to complete. 

We’ve gathered together everything you might want to know about the times tables check in the below letter. This includes why it is happening, what it involves and how you can help your child prepare for when they are in year 4. 

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