Reception – Let’s Celebrate!

Reception – Let’s Celebrate!

In Reception this half term we have been learning about different celebrations. We started by learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We looked at how people celebrate the festival of lights and made our own rangoli patterns and Diwa lamps. We then looked at Bonfire night and talked about fire safety. We were really lucky to get a visit from the local fire station. The children were so excited to go on the fire engine, use the hose and learn about the firefighters’ equipment.

In literacy, the children had the opportunity to be exposed to writing in a fun and interactive way through ‘Drawing Club’ which ‘opens up the magic world of tales and story to children whilst at the same time enriching their language skills, developing their fine motor and sharing really special time with them’. Drawing club as the name suggests starts with a drawing, focussed on the character, setting or a magical event. Then through focussed writing practice, children together learn the joy of writing, using phonics and the conventions of a sentence. The children loved drawing Lucy-Lou and Mrs Santa and added some great passwords that made the pictures come to life!

Finally, it was time to celebrate Christmas. The ‘Land of Faraway’ was turned into Santa’s workshop and the children had lots of fun wrapping presents, writing cards and pretending to be Santa and his elves. We had a Christmas craft day making cards, eco-friendly Christmas decorations and reindeer food. We also worked really hard to help the Grinch to enjoy Christmas a little more!

We all worked so hard to bring the nativity story to life in our end of year play! The children were fantastic on stage and made us all proud. Well done Reception!

What The Student Says

"I loved when Santa came to visit! He gave us all a present. I got a book about Christmas!" - RLK child

"I was a little scared on the stage but then everyone started signing so it was ok." - RAB child

"My favourite was when the Land of Faraway became Santa's workshop! I wrote lots of cards for my mum." - RLK child

"I love coming to Drawing club!" - RAB child

"My password will make the Grinch be a little nicer." - RLK child

What skills were developed?

  • Developed their communication and language skills
  • Developed their observational skills
  • Made predictions
  • Followed instructions carefully
  • Through learning about Diwali and Christmas they gained an understanding of different religions, cultures and ways to celebrate
  • Used technology as a mean to express creativity, noticing details to be able to abstract an image in their own art when making their fireworks pictures
  •  Used logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  •  Developed their cutting skills

What the Teacher says

It has been such a treat to see the children become so engaged with their learning this half term. It was incredible to see the impact that Drawing Club had on the children's enjoyment in writing. They are becoming more and more confident in having a go at writing down their fabulous ideas. The level of engagement has been so high and this was reflected in their progress.

I was so proud to see how hard everyone worked to deliver an incredible performance in the Nativity play! It was truly amazing to see them grow in confidence when performing on stage. They were all so brave when delivering their lines and singing in front of their grown ups!

- Miss Korenika, RLK Class Teacher

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