Reception – Dinosaurs

Reception – Dinosaurs

Project Overview

In Reception this half term we have been learning about Dinosaurs. It all started with a curious find… Someone left a mysterious egg in our classroom! We decided to look after it, so we made a nest and signs to protect our egg. The children made their predictions on what would come out of it, we learnt about oviparous animals and used our guesses to prompt writing. The following week we discovered that it was in fact, a dinosaur egg! We loved reading the story of ‘Tyrannosaurus Drip’ and ‘T-Veg’, we focused on sequencing the main events, learning about the structure of a story: beginning, middle and end.

We became palaeontologists and created fact-files about different types of dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Brachiosaurus and Oviraptor. We learnt about their size, features and diet and even looked at their ‘coprolite’ (a fancy word for dinosaur poo!) to decide if they were herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. The children enjoyed making their own dinosaur fossils using salt dough and learning how to draw dinosaurs with a guided drawing activity. To conclude our learning journey we invited the company Teach-Rex to bring an interactive T-Rex in to school. The children were able to learn about dinosaurs in a fun and exciting way and even take part in a green screen workshop.

What The Student Says

“I think it will be a T-rex because we found very big prints! It can’t be a tiger because they don’t lay eggs.”

“I loved when Jam the T-Rex came to visit. He liked it when we tickled his chin.”

“Brachiosaurus are huge! We can fit 24 children in his footprint.”

“My favourite dinosaur is Triceratops because it has long horns and can fight the T-Rex!”

What skills were developed?

The children have:

  • observed and made predictions
  • asked questions to retrieve more information
  • wrote a fact file
  • sequenced the main events of a story
  • created observational drawings
  • been learning how to orally rehearse a sentence before writing
  • preacticed recalling of number bonds to 10
  • sang a range of well known songs
  • inventing and acting out their own stories during Helicopter Stories
  • created their own salt dough using measuring skills
  • continued to develop their scissors skills

What The Teacher Says

It was lovely to see the children so engaged with their learning this term. As the children found the topic so interesting, everyone was keen to take part in class discussion which resulted in an incredible development of their oracy skills. I am so proud of the progress they made in their communication and language this term.

Well done Reception!

– Miss Korenika, Reception Class Teacher 

What The Student Says

What skills were developed?

What the Teacher says

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