Beautiful Work – 23/24 – Autumn 1

  • Year 3 History

    Year 3- Ancient Egypt This half term, we have been learning all about what life was like in Ancient Egypt!We started by looking at a timeline and found out that life happened before the year 0. The Ancient Egyptians period lasted from around 3100 BCE to 332 BCE. During the half term, we investigated how…

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  • Year 5- Fitness

    During Autumn 1, Year 5 have focused upon fitness as one of their topics in PE. In their first lesson, classes took part in a fitness circuit in which they had an individual scoresheet to record their scores. They were aiming to gain the best scores they could in various activities such as burpees, agility…

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  • Year 5 – Sculpture – Maya Masks

    Year 5 – Sculpture – Maya Masks This half term year 5 have been expanding their sculpting skills. They have made links to their History work, looking at the Maya culture. The children began by looking at what a sculpture is and what do they look like. The children looked at famous sculptures by artists…

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  • Nursery- Marvellous Me

    Nursery – Marvellous Me We have had a lovely first half term in Nursery. It has been so nice to see the children settle into their new environment and build positive new friendships with their peers. Over the half term, the children have developed their play skills as well as their social skills as they…

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  • Year 1 Art

    Collage – portraits This half term in year one the children have been learning about portraits and collage. They looked at lots of different examples of portraits including self portraits. They looked at their own faces in a mirror and talked about what features they could see and where they were on their face. Next,…

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  • Year 6 – Writing

    Harry Potter and the Clapgate Pygmy goats! To hook the children into the world of Harry Potter, we began our creative context day by sorting the children into Hogwarts houses. The children loved it – they chose an edible witch’s hat and bit into it. The hat then revealed coloured chocolate, which determined their house…

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  • Year 4 – Firework Festival!

    This half term, the children in year 4 have been reading the book ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ and creating lots of amazing pieces of work surrounding it! We produced instructions on how to make our very own firework, described the setting in which we were having our adventures, and created a poster advertising our main…

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  • Reception- Welcome to Reception

    Reception- Settling in and having fun. Project Overview The children have settled excellently into Reception. They have begun to understand the routine of the day and the week, which is brilliant to see. They have spent much time working on relationships, making new friends and exploring the classroom. The children have learned about themselves, their…

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