Beautiful Work – 22/23 – Summer 1

  • Year 5- ancient Greece

    Year 5- Ancient Greece Project Overview This half term, Year 5 have been learning about ancient Greece. The children started off by creating a timeline and learning about the different civilisations of ancient Greece and used their geography skills to locate Greece and Crete on a map. The children then went on to discover what…

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  • Year 2 food technology

    Year 2 Making a Fruit Salad Project Overview In food technology, year 2 have learnt how to make a fruit salad. They looked at different types of fruit and we talked about where lots of fruits come from and how they are grown in hot countries. We looked at some fruits that are grown in…

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  • Reception – Growing

    Reception – Growing Project Overview We came back from the Easter holidays to find something very exciting in our classroom – some hen eggs! We also had a letter from the hen asking us to look after them for her. The children loved watching the baby chicks hatch out of their eggs in the incubator.…

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  • Year 6 – London

    This half term the children have completed their SATS. The children have worked extremely hard and we finished off the month of May with a trip to our capital city – London. The children absolutely loved it and all behaved impeccably!! We started off our trip nice and early at 7.15am, went down on a…

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  • 4RM Team Games

    Alongside swimming, 4RM had chance to work on  Team Games within PE. The children were challenged to learn a number of new games and explore tactics that could be used to help their team succeed. The children needed to communicate with one another, follow advice given and reflect upon performance across the team games lessons.…

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  • Year 3 – Music

    Year 3 – Music Project Overview This half term the children have been building on their musical knowledge.  During their choir sessions the children have continued to lead the brain, body and voice warm ups before beginning to sing any songs. The children know about the different actions associated with each warm up and are…

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  • Year 2 – Writing

    Writing – Flight We have been flying high this half-term! The children have been learning about different methods of flight, including the history of the Wright Brothers. They have created their own kites, and then wrote instructions of how to make them. Then we read the book called Man On The Moon – a day…

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  • Year 1 – PSHE

    Year 1 – PSHE (Relationships) In PSHE this half term, year 1 have spent some time learning about different relationships. We began by discussing the people that are important to us, and how we can show that we care for them. We talked about our families, and how some families may be similar, but every…

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