Beautiful Work – 22/23 – Spring 1

  • Year 3 – Writing

    Year 3 – Writing Project Overview This half term we have read the book ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. The children really enjoyed reading the book and discovering what adventures the children had!  We started the half term by going on a sensory walk around the school to discuss what…

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  • Reception – Italy

    Reception – Italy Project Overview Ciao! This half term Reception have been learning all about Italy. They have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the culture, the weather, the language, and of course – the food! The children discovered that they had been sent a postcard all the way from Venice! We learnt that in Venice the…

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  • Year 1 – Science

    Science – Materials In science this half term, we have been learning all about everyday materials and their properties. We began the topic by collecting a range of materials, and discussed as a class, what they looked like, felt like, and some of their properties. We then developed our scientific knowledge further by discussing the…

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  • Year 4 – Vikings!

    Year 4 – The Vikings! This half term year 4 have really enjoyed learning all about the Vikings. We looked at all aspects of Viking life, from their home lives and the different ranks within society, to the fascinating world of the Norse gods and goddesses! All the pupils made very interesting and informed predictions…

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  • Textiles – Year 5

    Year 5 have been learning about landscapes and what they are. They looked at a variety of different landscapes and talked about their features.  They then looked at some landscapes created using different materials by famous artists. Year 5 concentrated on a series of images of Garrowby Hill created  by local artist David Hockney from…

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  • Year 6 – Crime and Punishment

    Year 6 – Crime and Punishment Project Overview This half term we have been looking at crime and punishment in our history lessons. However, we decided to use this as a cross curricular link to produce a non – chronological report in writing. We started off by learning about all the different crimes and punishments…

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  • Collage paper cuts – Year 2

    Collage paper cuts – Year 2 Year 2 have been learning about the life and work of French artist Henri Matisse. They shared story books about the artist and watched some short video clips of the artist working in his studio. They focused on his work from the later part of his life when Matisse…

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  • Nursery- Pirates

    Nursery- Pirates Ahoy! We have been very busy in nursery learning how to be pirates. The children have fully immersed themselves into the pirate theme and shown lots of enthusiasm towards all the new skills they have learnt.  First, we discovered a letter that had been delivered by a pirate which explained that he had…

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