Beautiful Work – 22/23 – Autumn 1

  • Year 5 History

    Year 5- The Maya This half term, we have been learning all about The Maya, an acient civilisation from around 1800BCE. We first recieved a letter from a professor who asked if the Maya were worth investigating. The class looked at some Maya artefacts and tried to work out some facts about them. We learnt…

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  • Year 6 – World War 2

    Year 6 – World War 2 @ Eden Camp When we introduced to the children that we were learning about World War 2, they were so excited. The children had such a thirst for this topic and it was amazing to see how much prior knowledge they already had. We first discussed what we knew…

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  • Year 2 – drawing

    Drawing – The Great Fire of London This half term the children in year 2 have been making cross curricular links with history and have used drawing to help them learn about the past. Year 2 researched the Great Fire of London using information books and stories. They shared pictures of the Great Fire of…

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  • Year 1- Dance with Total Dance

    1KN- Dance with Total Dance Project Overview This half term 1KN worked with Sacha from Total Dance to explore different styles of dance and work towards a final dance to perform to parents and families!  Every week the children had super attitudes, ready to learn and build upon their skills. They followed instructions well and…

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  • Reception – All About Me

    Reception – All About Me! Our adventure so far in Reception has been super exciting. We have spent lots of time getting to know each other, building friendships and exploring! The children have also learnt all about themselves, their families and their communities. We began our adventure by reading ‘The Colour Monster’ which helped us…

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  • Year 1 – History

    Year 1 History – Ourselves  Year 1 have really enjoyed learning about ‘Ourselves’ in history this half term. We have looked at pictures of ourselves as babies, toddles, and now, and discussed the differences and changes we have noticed as we have grown up. We have learned the concept of ‘the past’ and we know…

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  • Year 4 – The Tempest

    Year 4 – Studying Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ In writing this half term we have been focusing on Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tempest.’ The Tempest is an exciting play all about a wizard called Prospero who has been banished to an island with his daughter Miranda. There are many twists and turns in this play which year…

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  • Nursery- Settling In

    Settling In We have had a really fun and exciting start to our adventure in Nursery. We have spent time getting to know each other, building friendships and exploring our learning landscape. The children have especially enjoyed going on adventures in the land of far away and technology town. They have been building their confidence…

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