Beautiful Work – 21/22 – Spring 1

  • Art – Year 5

    Painting  – a study in line, colour and shape This half term the children in year 5 have been learning how to paint using line, shape and colour. They looked at the work of  abstract artists Robert and Sonia Delaunay whose work is famous for their strong use of colour and geometric shapes. The children…

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  • Art – Year 2

    Sculpture using natural materials Project Overview Year 2 have been learning about sculpture this half term. They have looked at different sculptures and realised that sculptures can be made from lots of different materials. Some sculptures were made from man-made materials and some sculptures were made from natural materials. They looked closely at the work…

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  • Year 4 This is Me Dance

    This half term 4LB have been working on dance with Miss Beaumont. The dance focused upon being proud of who you are regardless of outside noise and becoming more confident. We were creating a circus style dance with theatrical performances! To begin with the children were taught the opening 24 counts of the dance. This…

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  • Year 4 – Multiplication and Division

    The children previously knew their 3, 4 and 8 times table as they had learnt these in year 3. The children also knew their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and they had learnt these in year 2. Therefore we started the topic by going over these times tables and looking at patters to how…

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  • Year 5 – Daedalus and Icarus

    Year 5 – Daedalus and Icarus This half term the children have learnt about Ancient Greece. We have looked at the Greek myth ‘Daedalus and Icarus’. The story is about a young boy named Icarus and his father, Daedalus. They are sent to make a labyrinth for King Minos. He is a powerful and cruel…

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  • Year 3- Meeting a Poet

    Year 3- Meeting Joshua Siegal Project Overview This half term the children had an excited Zoom call with Joshua Siegal- a highly acclaimed, award-winning professional poet, performer and educator who uses poetry to develop literacy skills and inspire confidence and creativity in communication.  Within Guided Reading the children have been reading lots of different poems and spotting the techniques to write different genres of…

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  • Y6 Climate Change Warriors

    Y6 – Climate Change Warriors Project Overview This half term, Y6 have dived into their learning about global warming and climate change. They have enjoyed learning about real life issues and have used these to inspire their writing.   We began our learning by becoming experts on the causes of climate change and what we can…

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  • Reception – Around the world we go!

    This half term we have been on our very own adventure which has allowed us to visit several different places around the world. We started our learning in January looking at the change in season and we learnt about the different animals that live ‘above’ and ‘under’ the snow during the winter. We then looked…

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