Beautiful Work – 20/21 – Summer 2

  • Y3 – Living Things and their Habitats

    Y3 – Living Things and their Habitats This half term the children have enjoyed exploring our outdoor areas whilst learning about living things and their habitats.  They learnt about different habitats and microhabitats and thought about how animals were adapted to live in different habitats and what they needed in their habitat or microhabitat.  The…

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  • Year 4 – Religious Education

    Why are Gurus at the heart of Sikh belief and practice? The children have started off by learning about what the Sikh religion is and what they believe in. The children first learnt what a Guru was and how it means teacher. The children then learnt about Guru Nanak and what he did for his…

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  • Reception – Sun, Sea and Safari

    Reception – Sun, Sea and Safari In Reception this half term we have been learning through the topic ‘Sun, Sea and Safari’. Throughout this topic, we have focused our learning on the stories ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘Tiddler’. We begun our learning on ‘Handa’s Surprise’ with an exciting experience day to learn all the about the…

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  • Nursery Outdoor Learning

    Outdoor Learning  We recognise the importance of outdoor play in Nursery. We know that there is a freedom that children feel when they are outside which sparks their imagination and creates a sense of awe and wonder.  This half term we have explored painting outside, forest school activities and played parachute games with our friends.…

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  • Year 5 – Camping

    Year 5 – Camping At the beginning of July, year 5 spent the night camping on the school field. We took part in lots of exciting activities such as fire lighting, den building, problem solving, treasure hunts and we even hosted our own talent show! The children worked together to set up their campsite and…

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  • Y6 Diversity Week

    Diversity Week: Elmer’s Jungle During Diversity Week, Y6 enjoyed a range of lessons that celebrated the differences between all of us and what makes us unique. The children found our learning about clothing items fascinating and were inspiring when debating the rights of anyone to where anything. They also loved creating unique and colourful jungle…

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  • Art – year 2

    Painting by year 2 This half term year 2 have been brushing up on their painting skills and colour mixing knowledge while learning about the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky. The children have looked at examples of his paintings, in particular, ‘Squares with concentric circles’. They practised using primary colours to make  secondary and tertiary colours…

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  • Design and Technology – Year 5

    Moving Toys by year 5 In Design and Technology year 5 have been learning about mechanisms and they  made their own moving toy. The children worked in pairs to create a carousel. They looked at different examples of fairground rides and planned their carousel design in their Design and Technology project book. They considered the…

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