Beautiful Work – 20/21 – Summer 1

  • Y6 – Kingswood Residential

    Year 6 – Kingswood Residential In the last week of Summer 1, Y6 were lucky enough to go on a week-long residential trip to Kingswood. The children (and teachers) loved developing their teamwork skills whilst also challenging themselves to complete a range of activities, games and tasks. Whilst at Kingswood, the children took part in…

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  • Art – year 4

    Painting by year 4 Year 4 have been developing their painting skills this half term. They have looked closely at the work of L.S. Lowry to help them understand the terms ‘value’, ‘shades’ and ‘tints’. They created a scale of shades and practised mixing colours in their palette and testing them before creating their industrial…

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  • Y2 – Science

    Year 2 – Science – Plants In Science this half term we have been learning about plants. We have identified different plants in our school grounds and learnt that they grow from seeds and bulbs. We have grown our own bean plants and watched them germinate. We know that plants need sunlight and water to…

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  • Year 5 – Outdoor Learning

    Year 5 – Outdoor Learning Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed spending lots of time outside, this half term. We have taken part in a range of activities and have been ticking of our ’50 Outdoor Activities to try before you leave Clapgate’ sheets. From cloud watching to the campfire, we have fully immersed ourselves into…

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  • Year 2 – Design Technology

    Design Technolody – Textiles – Puppet Making This half term we have been working on designing and making our own monster puppets.   First of all, we looked at different types of puppets and sketched out ideas that we liked.  Then, we designed our own puppets, thinking about colours, features and style.  After practising running stitch…

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  • Nursery-Sunshine Street

    Nursery – Sunshine Street Project Overview This half term, the children in Nursery have been a part of the ‘Shine’ project. This project has created a partnership between ‘Alive and Kicking’ and Clapgate Nursery to involve the children in weekly drama sessions. Through these sessions, the residents of ‘Sunshine Street’ have taken the children high…

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  • Reception- All Creatures Great and Small

    Reception- All Creatures Great and Small In Reception this half term we have been learning all about living things and their environments. At the beginning of the half term we received a delivery of eggs from Bluebell the hen. She asked us to look after her eggs until they had hatched. We loved caring for…

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  • Year 3 Computing – Purple Mash

    Branching Databases As a school we follow the scheme Purple Mash for computing. This half term, children have been learning about different types of data and how data is stored. We began this topic by recapping how to use the internet safely and what it means when data is confidential. Children have learned that data…

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