
Clapgate Primary School is committed to raising the educational attainment of pupils who attend the school and giving them the best possible opportunities to access education to enable them to achieve their full potential throughout their lifetime.

Attendance is important! 

We place great importance on good attendance and punctuality here at Clapgate.

Missing school for even a day can mean a child is less likely to achieve good grades, which can have a damaging effect on their life chances. At Clapgate Primary School, we work closely with the Local authority and parents to ensure that all our pupils receive the most from their education and reach their full potential. Therefore, we celebrate good attendance in a wide variety of ways and offer class and individual prizes for good attendance.

Please see the parent’s attendance guide ‘Attendance Matters’ below for all attendance information along with the attendance policy and an information letter for parents.

Attendance Policies & DocumentsDownload
Attendance Policy 23-25Download
Attendance Matters Information BookletDownload
September Attendance Letter for ParentsDownload

The Department of Education expects all children to achieve at least 96% attendance. This means a child will be absent for no more than seven and a half days a year. 

At Clapgate, the school day starts at 8:50 a.m. for years 1-6, 8:45 a.m. for Reception, and 8:55 a.m. for Nursery. Any child arriving after 9:00 a.m. is considered to be late. However, if a child arrives after 9:30 a.m., they lose their morning present mark completely, which is an unauthorised absence.

At Clapgate, we expect parents to report their child’s absence to school before 9 a.m. each day by calling 0113 271 6700 or by notifying us of the absence via Arbor. If we haven’t heard from a parent, they will be contacted by the attendance team. If we have had no contact from a parent about a child’s absence for two days, a child’s attendance is being monitored by the school or Local Authority or if there are safeguarding concerns, then we will carry out a home visit.

Is my child too ill for school?

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school or nursery when they’re unwell.

Below is the link to NHS guidance around common childhood illnesses and the actions to take in relation to school attendance. 

Our School Attendance Target is: 96% 

Our Attendance Prizes

Are you on track to get 96%?

A Golden Ticket 

 Each term, children who have achieved 96% attendance for that individual term will receive a golden ticket to spend at the pop-up shop. 

Attendance Badges and Bands 

 Each term, children who have achieved 96% attendance for that individual term will receive a band (KS1) or badge (KS2) to symbolise their excellent attendance that term.

Full House Posters

 If all children in a class are present, the class will receive a full house poster on the classroom door for the day to signify this achievement, and a member of the school’s leadership team will visit the classroom to praise the children. 


 In KS1 and KS2 phases assemblies, phase leaders will talk to their phase about attendance, and the class with the most full houses that week will be rewarded with a teddy (KS1) or trophy (KS2).

End of Year

 At the end of the school year, any child with 96% attendance or above will receive a certificate and visit the ice cream van during the final week.  

These children will also receive a gold band or badge for great attendance all year. 

Poor Attendance Triggers

What can trigger poor attendance?
  • 96% or above: Well done! This is the target set by the Local Authority. 
  • 92% or below: This is a concern, and improvement will need to be made over the coming weeks. Absences that are not evidenced will be unauthorised. 
  • 90% or below: This is classed as persistently absent by the Local Authority. A formal monitoring process will begin in school, and any absences that are not evidenced will be unauthorised. Five unauthorised days absent will automatically trigger a Fast Track 1 Letter. 

Our monitoring processes only apply to children with a large proportion of unauthorised absences. We understand that some children will have low attendance for reasons out of your control (e.g. medical needs, a sustained period of illness). Attendance will always be looked at on an individual basis. 

We are aware that nursery children are not of compulsory school age. However, their attendance is still monitored. Low attendance is proven to significantly impact a child’s well-being and progress. 

Any medical appointments during school time also need to be evidence.

See Attendance Policy for more information.

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