The Arts Council organised our recent end of year art show in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee. The children were responsible for bringing together the art work from nursery to year 6 so that every child would be represented by a piece of work from this academic year. The Arts Council thought of art based activities to have in the hall space for children and families to enjoy. They created art posters to advertise the event, social media posts and invited important people. They also raised money for Wheatfield’s Hospice (in memory of our dear colleague, Ms Franklin) and for UNICEF Ukraine. The Arts Council carried out an enterprise initiative, where they sold sketchbooks, pencils and rubbers. The money raised from this enterprise will be spent wisely and this is something that the Arts Council will be discussing at future meetings. The art show was held over 4 nights to allow children and families to visit the space safely and was very well attended by all key stages. We even made it into the local newspaper!