
Below you will find information regarding the admission procedures at our school. 

Admissions Procedures

To book a visit to see our school, please contact the school office on – 0113 271 6700

Prospective parents are strongly encouraged to phone or email for an appointment to meet the headteacher or other senior leader and view the school. We do not have a specific ‘Open Day’ for transfers; please call the school office to book a visit.

Where there are fewer applicants than places available at school, all applicants will be offered a place. Where there are more applicants than places available, places will be offered in the following order of priority. Please see the priority list below:

  • Children with EHCs
  • Children looked after
  • Children with acute medical or mobility needs
  • Children with siblings already in school
  • Distance – nearest first

Please click on the link below to read our the current admissions policy

Admissions Policies & DocumentsDownload
Admissions Policy 24-25Download
Admissions Policy 25-26Download
Admissions Policy 26-27Download

Places in full time Reception classes (from age 4) are allocated by Leeds City Council. Details can be found here:

The ‘application window’ is usually November to early January for a place the following September. Don’t miss this deadline and please make sure that your nearest school is somewhere on your list of preferences.

If you would like your child to transfer from another school to Clapgate, you will need to fill in an in-year common transfer form (ICPF) and hand it in to the school office or send it to the admissions team at Leeds City Council.

Information about the process can be found on the link below.

Early Years Foundation Stage Admissions

Most children begin the Early Years Foundation Stage after their third birthday, with a small number starting in the term in which they are going to be three years old (rising threes). The Nursery teacher will be in touch prior to your child starting school to discuss the transition arrangements. 

All three-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours provision (at the beginning of the week or at the end of the week). Currently, we also offer some 30-hour places for parents who are eligible for this. For children who attend 30 hours a full school week actually equates to 31.5 hours and not 30 hours. Therefore, please note that there is an additional payment of £3.47 a week to cover the extra hour and a half. This charge is split into 3 payments of £44 per term and will be added to your Arbor account. Overdue Nursery Fees may affect your child’s place in school, and arrears on the account that remain after the payment date will be passed to the Finance Department at Leeds City Council.

For Nursery children, we currently have the following transition procedures in place:

  • A home visit carried out by the nursery teacher and a teaching assistant. This is a valuable time to talk 1:1 with parents/carers and to answer any concerns/queries they may have.
  • A 1-hour ‘play and stay’ session which parents are invited to stay for.

We also stagger the start date for new children starting Nursery at each intake. We usually have no more than two new children starting per day. On the child’s first day, they are given an earlier start time to allow them time to settle into the environment and separate from parents/ carers while fewer nursery children are in the setting.

Children can attend full-time school during the academic year in which they are five. These children will be taught in our reception classes. Places are allocated by Leeds City Council. 

Details can be found here:

In the middle of April, you will receive an email from Leeds City Council confirming whether your child has been given a place in Reception at our school. It is important that you then contact the school to confirm that you wish to accept the place. In the summer term, the Early Years Leader will write to you explaining the transition process for Reception children.

For Reception children, we currently have the following transition procedures in place:

  • A home visit carried out by the reception teacher and teaching assistant for those children who have not attended our Nursery. This is a valuable time to talk 1:1 with parents/carers and to answer any concerns/queries they may have.
  • A ten-minute ‘Meet the Teacher’ appointment slot for parents and children to attend so that teachers can get to know the families and ask about the individual children. During this time, the teacher gives parents practical information such as the ethos of the school, vision, and values, and information about equipment and uniforms needed.
  • A 1-hour ‘play and stay’ session so the children can get to know the teachers, school staff, and classroom environment with their parents present.
  • A transition morning where the children attend a half-day session in their new reception class.

In September, we provide the children with a gradual introduction into full-time school. Children starting in our reception classes will have one full taster day in the first week of term, where they will spend the day in a reduced class size of around 10 children. This introduces the children to their new routines gradually and enables the children to be less overwhelmed when building initial relationships with the staff and their peers.

For children that have not attended our Nursery, the reception staff liaise with and, in some cases, visit the local nurseries and preschools to familiarise themselves with the children and to fully understand each child and their individual needs.

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