Year 2 – Shape

Two and Three Dimensional Shapes and Direction.

This half term, Year 2 have been working very creatively and visually in maths! They have explored 2-D and 3-D shapes by identifying sides, faces, vertices and lines of symmetry. They have learnt how to sort basic shapes using different criteria, and form 3-D structures. The children have been outdoors, learning to use the language of position and direction in creative ways.

What The Student Says

"We got to have fun and we got to create different shapes and they kept falling but we kept trying and didn't give up"

"When I first made the pyramid it was easy, but the cube wasn't so easy because it was breaking all the time."

"I loved building it. It was quite fun. I likes counting the sides."

"I enjoyed sticking it together and doing it in partner work."

What skills were developed?

  • 2D Shapes and their properties
  • 3Dshapes and their properties
  • Sort shapes according to their properties
  • Draw shapes
  • Lines of symmetry
  • Symmetrical shapes
  •  Forming structures
  • Making patterns
  • Positional and Directional language

What the Teacher says

We have been impressed with the children's effort in this unit of learning! They have really embraced the practical side of maths.

The children carried out an "exploded square" activity in which they cut strips along a folded square in a variety of ways, and then piece it back together using their line of symmetry as the starting point.

In an outdoor learning activity, The children used the language of position and direction to tell each other to move a counter on the grid from one place to another.  They used words such as 'left', 'right', 'up', and 'down', directing their partner to move a number of steps.

Mrs Stirk & Mrs Mason - 2SM

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