Art – year 4

Painting by year 4

Year 4 have been developing their painting skills this half term. They have looked closely at the work of L.S. Lowry to help them understand the terms ‘value’, ‘shades’ and ‘tints’. They created a scale of shades and practised mixing colours in their palette and testing them before creating their industrial landscape. They worked with a limited palette of 5 colours – black, blue, red, yellow and white just like Lowry! They worked really hard to create accurate colours to represent the polluted, urban landscape of Manchester. Finally, they worked into their painting by adding small details using chalk and oil pastels.

What The Student Says

"I have loved looking at the work of L.S. Lowry and learning to improve my painting skills. I really enjoyed learning to create shades and tints of a colour and got better at my colour mixing. I am pleased with my finished industrial landscape painting. I think I did a good job!"

Year 4 pupil

What skills were developed?

  • recognising primary colours
  • recognising secondary colours
  • colour mixing accurately
  • creating shades of a colour
  • creating tints of a colour
  • applying the correct amount of paint to the surface
  • using their pant brush accurately with precision
  • understanding the term value and using it in their own work
  • creating a pleasing composition
  • understanding the work of an artist and being able to comment on what they can see
  • creating their own interpretation of a piece of work

What the Teacher says

"The children have really impressed me this half term with their painting skills. They have shown great resilience when learning to mix colours accurately and create shades and tints. They thoroughly enjoyed looking at the work of L.S. Lowry and had lots of interesting comments about his paintings and style of painting. They noticed the earthy colours, the thin figures and the pollution of the industrial landscapes. Well done year 4. I am so proud of your paintings!"

Miss Webster

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