What’s New in Computing

Safer Internet Day – 6th February  

All the children at Clapgate have been learning about being safe on the internet. Every phase kicked off with an assembly to spread awareness of the topic of Safer Internet Day this year. Each class have then had their own online safety lessons throughout the week. 

Film making in Year 2 

The year 2 children welcomed a real life film maker into school. They completed a full day workshop where they learnt the tricks of being a film director. The children made their own props relating to their topic of The Great Fire Of London. The children then learnt how to act, film and edit their own piece. 

Year 4 animation

Year 4 had an excellent opportunity working with Barry from Animation Nation to come up with their own animation videos. The children were looking at different careers they may be interested in when they grow up. The children came up with a story line, planned their animation and then made their own plasticine figures to star in the video. They then used stop motion and created some fantastic pieces! 

Achieving the Artsmark Gold Award

We are thrilled to announce that Clapgate has been successful in achieving Artsmark Gold Award in recognition of our fantastic arts provision! This is an amazing achievement to be celebrated and recognises the hard work of our children, staff and governors. The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools and educational settings accredited by Arts Council England. This significant award shows a real commitment to arts and cultural education and ensures a curriculum of breadth and balance.

We are extremely proud of everything that has been achieved so far and look forward to developing the arts ( art, music, drama and dance) further to build on the success of our Artsmark Gold Award. A huge well done to all our pupils, staff and governors for their hard work promoting and participating in the arts. Finally, a big thank you to our parents and carers for your support of our arts events and activities.

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