What’s New in History

Black History Month

October celebrated Black History Month. Each key stage introduced the children to awareness of the significance of this event with an assembly. Over the course of the month, children looked at important black people in history, but in particular, to compliment our new music curriculum, each year group researched a given, famous musician, for example, Bob Marley, Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone. Children then presented their findings in a variety of ways, such as making posters and creating art work.

History in the solar dome!

During half term, history has taken over the solar dome! Children across school have been able to have their lessons in the dome and take part in the activities set up for them. 

The first activity looks at photos in the local area from the past and present. There are photos from the well-known Middleton Woods, which was once a colliery, past and present photos of the Lingwell GP surgery and old pictures of Belle Isle Road too.

The second activity involves a curiosity cube. What are the objects? What period of time do you think they are from? What/How do you think the objects were used? These are some typical questions the classes can discuss and have a debate about!

Finally, the beautiful book ‘What Did the Tree See?’ By Charlotte Guillain and Sam Usher, is a story about a tree in a field and what it sees throughout the years it lives. Beginning with people living in shelters, to wooden housing, to living through the industrial revolution, to modern day. Children can engage in different activities such as comprehension questions, creating a comic strip, concentrating and talking about a specific period in time or writing a diary entry in the role of the tree, detailing what it saw over the years.

The children thoroughly enjoyed being inquisitive out of the classroom and in the brightness of the solar dome!

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