Beautiful Work – PE

Year 5- Fitness

Project Overview

During Autumn 1, Year 5 have focused upon fitness as one of their topics in PE. In their first lesson, classes took part in a fitness circuit in which they had an individual scoresheet to record their scores. They were aiming to gain the best scores they could in various activities such as burpees, agility jump, speed bounce and target throwing. This was a baseline fitness test for the remainder of the unit.

Across the half term, Year 5 focused upon different aspects of fitness including relay races which worked different muscle groups, paired fitness challenges and designing their own HIIT workout to instruct to the class. They also participated in the bleep test, a multi-stage fitness test, in which they must continue running to work up the different levels all within the timescales of the bleeps. The full year group had incredible attitudes towards all these activities, in particular the bleep test. They were keen to challenge themselves throughout and acknowledged how this would help their fitness levels. They also completed a 9 minute Cooper Run and finished the unit by re-visiting the circuit from the beginning of the unit. In this, many children beat their original scores. A sign of increased confidence, focus, energy levels and overall fitness.

Children could discuss why we should exercise and the long & short term benefits, name muscle groups and why a balanced diet should be lifelong. A fantastic unit of work in which the children were a joy to work with!

Year 5- Fitness

What The Student Says

"I have enjoyed challenging myself and seeing my strength increase" "I love the bleep test!!" "Squats are good as they help strengthen quads and hamstrings which I need to play football" "I managed to beat my score!" "I think my fitness has improved and I feel proud of myself"

What skills were developed?

  • taking part in a range of fitness activities and been able to help set these up
  • discussed how exercise changes our bodies in the long & short term
  • named which muscles are used in different activities and exercises
  • participating in different training types including fartlek, interval and circuit training
  • analysed their own and others' performances
  • explained why a healthy diet & regular exercise is advantageous and why they should be lifelong

What the Teacher says

The children have approached each lesson with fantastic attitudes- always ready to challenge themselves, try new activities and discuss the importance of healthy lifestyles. They have pushed themselves to improve their fitness levels and as a result they have motivated themselves and others further. Children often chose the "harder" option such as performing squat jumps instead of squats or increasing their running distance further to heighten their progress. A joy to teach- well done Year 5! Mrs Clark, PE Teacher & Subject Leader

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Clapgate Sport and Health Week

Project Overview

From Monday 3rd- Friday 7th July, all classes took part in Clapgate’s Sport and Health week. Within the week we had sports days, coached sessions ran by local sports clubs, healthy recipe making and a staff vs Y6 rounders match! Children got to try new sports, increase their movement amount and have fun whilst being active!

To kick start the week, we had Bex Rayner visit school who is a professional female footballer who plays for Sheffield United. She worked with all children and led them in an exercise circuit followed by an assesmbly with a demonstration of her skills and Q&A session.

  Activities across the week included judo with Hajime Judo Club, rugby with Hunslet RLFC, basketball with City of Leeds Basketball, football with FootTech, boxing with Hunslet Club plus many more! Children also explored the gymnastics climbing frame and had intraclass competitions. 

Sports Days took place for all year groups with families invited to come and watch (and participate at times!). The children were fantastic and all worked very hard in their races and different activities such as long jump, javelin, penalty shoot out and speed bounce. 

We finished the week with a staff vs Year 6 rounders match. Year 6 had been practising a lot during the summer term but the staff team were very focused. After 2 innings each of batting and fielding and Nursery-Year 5 spectating, the game finished 7 rounders to Year 6 and 21 rounders to staff meaning the staff won! 

A very busy, active and fun week. Thank you to all our children, staff and families for your support. Here’s to Clapgate Sport and Health week 2024! 

Clapgate Sport and Health Week

What The Student Says

“I worked really hard and loved being part of my team in sports day” “The boxing was so much fun” “I want to join the girls football club after meeting Bex Rayner” “I’ve loved playing sport all week” “It’s been fun to try new things” “The judo was really exciting!”

What skills were developed?

  • tried new activities and sports
  • worked in a team
  • shown determination and motivation when learning a new skill
  • performed in front of an audience
  • celebrated their own and other people’s success
  • learnt and followed new rules
  • worked with new staff
  • shown creativity and spark when trying new sports
  • been open and adaptable to new situations
  • increased their exercise and sport awareness

What the Teacher says

It has been wonderful to see the whole school so active across the week and see them try new sports and activities. Lots of children have said how much they have enjoyed trying something they haven’t done before and working with new coaches who have challenged them in different ways. Classes have remained focused, respectful and tried their best. The enjoyment and respect shown across the week, in particular during our sports days, has been amazing. They celebrated other people’s success as well as their own. A joy to see children enjoying sport and exercise! Mrs Clark- PE Teacher & Subject Leader

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4RM Team Games

Project Overview

Alongside swimming, 4RM had chance to work on  Team Games within PE. The children were challenged to learn a number of new games and explore tactics that could be used to help their team succeed. The children needed to communicate with one another, follow advice given and reflect upon performance across the team games lessons.

One game played was Team Tig in which the class were split into four team. Out of these four teams, one team were the tiggers. They could tig anybody with the aim to get full teams out. When tug, players could only be freed by a member from their team. This meant if the whole team was tug, there was no-one to save them so the whole team were out and the tigging team gained 5 points. Tigging teams needed to work on an approach that would help them to get full teams out. A range of tactics were tried and the class were brilliant at reflecting on performances and seeing what worked and didn't work.

We also played Crossover in which teams are trying to get across the oppositions area without getting tug to make it to their team's end zone (at the other side of the oppositions area). A game of attack and defence- children had to assign roles within their teams and adjust this as the game played out. The children enjoyed Crossover so much they have been organising games of it themselves at breaktimes!

The children were great at analysing performances and making appropriate adjustments to their teams tactics throughout. It was fantastic to see so much progress and wonderful to see the children using their social skills so positively. Well done 4RM!

4RM Team Games

What The Student Says

"I love crossover! I want to play it all the time" "It's been really fun playing different games" "Our team focused on one team at a time to get them all out. We thought this would be most successful" "Team talk!!"

What skills were developed?

  • worked on their tactical awareness and adjusting their approach according to the situation
  • developed their communication skills in both listening to the rules, sharing ideas, discussing their thoughts and making plans
  • shown determination, motivation and grit to keep going even when things became difficult
  • combined and utilised physical skills such as dodging, agility, speed & endurance
  • taken on different roles including leadership roles, motivator, defending, attacker
  • worked on the importance of all playing a part as a team and how essential it is that everyone tries to ensure success and enjoyment

What the Teacher says

It has been fantastic to teach the children these new games and see how they have adapted their performance whilst playing them. They have all worked so hard and shown such determination whether this was to tig someone, get to their teams end zone, get a team member back into the game. The children never gave up and shared ideas and approaches brilliantly. They discussed in their teams what had worked and things that they could adjust with maturity and consideration for one another. Children helped their peers within the games and all of them played a part for their team. Well done 4RM! Mrs Clark, PE Teacher & Subject Leader

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1KN Ball Skills

Project Overview

1KN have been busy working on their various ball skills this half term. The children have used a whole range of equipment and explored how they could make these travel to their partner. Within different activities the children have developed set sending and receiving skills including throwing and catching a small item such as a bean bag or tennis ball. 

The children learnt the technique involved in the underarm throw and used this in a variety of games. The class were brilliant at supporting one another and encouraging their classmates to keep trying. 1KN built up to using these skills in a pressurised situation where they were competing against other teams!

By developing these skills, children will be able to participate confidently in an expanse of games including rounders, cricket and tennis- perfect for the summer term!

1KN Ball Skills

What The Student Says

"I liked making the ball bounce to my friend" "It's been fun working with my friends and scoring points" "I've learnt to throw!" "I feel proud that I can get better"

What skills were developed?

  • developed their control over various equipment
  • built upon their ability to send and receive with accuracy
  • been motivators to their peers
  • shown determination to continue to improve their skills
  • worked in teams and communicated successfully
  • used their hand eye coordination in different challenges

What the Teacher says

It has been wonderful to see the children develop their sending and receiving skills. They have worked brilliantly with one another and shown such grit to continue to improve. The children have listened to feedback and been motivated throughout to challenge themselves to learn new skills and games! Mrs Clark, PE Teacher & Subject Leader

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3FW - Gymnastics

Project Overview

During Spring 1, 3FW worked on gymnastics in PE as one of their topics with Mrs Clark. The unit began by recapping floor moves the children already knew from their gymnastics lessons in previous years. This included balances, rolls & jumps.

As the weeks continued, we looked at developing our move vocabulary and explored various pieces of apparatus. Forward rolls and forms of travelling such as leaps, scissor kicks and spins were developed on floor. While squat on, jump dismounts and squat through were explored on the vaults. On beam, the class focused upon creating a routine on the benches and vaults including a balance, change of direction and a jump. They even attempted forward rolls and cartwheels on the beam!

In the final week, children worked in groups to bring together their skills into a floor routine. This had to include a balance, roll, jump and travel each. The children did brilliantly at this- celebrating each others skills, sharing ideas positively and using the space creatively. The children took turns to perform their routines and also be "mini teachers" and share what groups had done well and how they could make it even better! The class also explored the climbing frame which all were very excited for. Fabulous creativity and strength on show! Well done to our 3FW gymnasts!

3FW - Gymnastics

What The Student Says

"I love gymnastics" "I was scared on the vaults but kept going and now I feel really proud" "This is so much fun!" "Best lesson ever!" (when asked if they had enjoyed exploring the climbing frame) "I like working with my friends"

What skills were developed?

  • developed their rolling skills including log, dish to arch, tuck, teddy bear and forward roll
  • looked at forms of travelling- hop, skip, leap, cat leap, scissor kick & spin
  • used jumps in different settings including floor, beam and vault
  • explored apparatus with confidence and technique
  • discussed ideas in groups and collaborated with others
  • produced an end piece in groups of a routine featuring balance, jump, travel & roll

What the Teacher says

It has been wonderful to see 3FW progress their gymnastics skills this half term. Children had a variety of abilities but all have developed and it has been great to see them working together so positively throughout. They have risen to the various challenges and have constantly wanted to improve their performances. Children have come to lessons with a desire to learn and learn new aspects of gymnastics. It was lovely to see the skills they had learnt in their final group routines. The class should feel very proud of their achievements! Mrs Clark- PE Teacher

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Year 4 - Swimming

Project Overview

4RM have been working extremely hard in their weekly swimming lessons at Rothwell pool. The class go every Thursday morning 9.30-10am. They are split into 3 groups- 2 who work with Rothwell's swimming instructors and one group who work with Mrs Clark. Through showing grit and spark every week, the children have made incredible progress. The children in the smaller pool have increased their confidence levels massively and one group is beginning to move into the bigger pool. Mrs Clark's group are working their way through the Leeds Schools Swim Awards. They have developed their pushing & gliding skills, floating skills and their strokes. They are know learning specific strokes and looking at performing these in deeper areas of the pool, building up their distance endurance each session!

The class also accessed a water safety week. Within this week, they were taught approaches that they could use if they ever found themselves or others in danger in water. The children worked brilliantly in this session and showed great levels of respect for the importance of this. They also got to experience what the water temperature may feel like in a river or lake at this time of year!

Fabulous progress so far and we still have 2 terms of swimming to go! Well done 4RM!

Year 4 - Swimming

What The Student Says

"I love swimming!" "I enjoy jumping in in the deep end the best" "It's a really good life skill to learn" "I'm enjoying making progress in my swimming" "I put my head under the water for the first time!"

What skills were developed?

  • developed their water confidence and movement skills within the water
  • learnt life saving water skills
  • know how to get in and out of the pool safely
  • follow instructions in the water
  • are able to act upon feedback to develop their performance
  • use swimming aids effectively and appropriately such as noodles, floats & balls
  • had fun and challenged themselves!

What the Teacher says

It has been wonderful to see the children's confidence in the water grow. Week in week out they are coming into the lesson ready and eager to progress. The children have great attitudes to swimming and appreciate the importance of learning how to swim. They showed great respect for the severity of the water safety session and could recall the skills learnt following the session. I look forward to seeing the children continue to develop their skills across the rest of the year! Mrs Clark, PE Teacher

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Year 2 PE - Dance

Project Overview

Year 2 have really enjoyed our dance sessions.  

They have worked on group warm-up activities to encourage co-operation, communication and team work.  The meditation exercises have taught us deep-breathing techniques and relaxation and we have taken time to be in the moment to notice our thoughts and feelings.  The dance sessions have given us opportunities to learn movement patterns and perform them as a whole-group dance accompanied by music.  The children loved using the scarves to add expression to their techniques. 

Year 2 PE - Dance

What The Student Says

“I like to learn the moves of the dances because I love dancing!” “I feel happy when I dance.” “After I’ve done dancing and I go home I relax.” “I like learning the Green, Green Grass dance because I like the song.”

What skills were developed?

  • developed their co-ordination skills and worked in small groups, teams and as a whole class
  • performed dances using simple movement patterns.
  • extended their agility and have been physically active for a sustained period of time.
  • engaged in mindfulness techniques to support their mental well-being.

What the Teacher says

“It has been a delight to watch the children express themselves through dance.  The scarves have added an extra dimension to their movements and their co-ordination skills have been challenged further.  The children have worked hard to listen to each other in team exercises and to try to accommodate the needs of everyone in the group.  It was interesting to hear that the sessions have supported their well-being by giving them a sense of calm."

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PE- Year 3 Hockey

Project Overview

This half term, 3FW focused on hockey as one of their two topics in PE with Miss Beaumont. A vast majority of the children had not played hockey before but this did not lessen their enthusiasm! All children were extremely keen to learn the various skills and rules within the sport. 

To begin with we focused upon the grip of the hockey stick and how to dribble. This was very confusing and the children had to really concentrate to ensure their hands and feet were in the right position. The children's determination paid off and by week 2 children were confidently dribbling the ball, some at speed and with direction change. 

As dribbling confidence grew, we explored passing. Children enjoyed various passing activities including pretending to be different Toy Story characters as well as performing the slap pass and hitting the ball as hard as they could against the fence! 

Within these hockey lessons, children were able to analyse their own and others performances to provide feedback to progress. This is a fantastic skill to develop and shows a real understanding. Alongside this, children communicated well and showed respect for the rules of the game, equipment and one another. 

Children were able to utilise their skills in a number of activities including becoming zone champions, completing a set number of passes to score a goal and playing skittles with the hockey stick and ball! A fantastic unit of work in which children made amazing progress. Children were motivated to further their skills and came away with not just the physical skills of how to play hockey but also the social skills involved in a team game such as hockey. Well done 3FW!

PE- Year 3 Hockey

What The Student Says

"I feel really proud, I can dribble now!" "I've enjoyed working with my friends and getting better at hockey" "I can do this!" "The slap pass is so much fun!" "Me and my team worked together in our game to try score a goal" "I liked being challenged and loved it when we managed to hit all the skittles down using the push and slap pass"

What skills were developed?

  • developed their communication and language skills
  • developed their passing skills in hockey including the push pass and slap pass
  • learnt the rules involved in hockey and can play various small sided games
  • progressed their dribbling skills with all children able to use correct technique. Some are able to change direction at speed and when under pressure
  • learnt to link their passing and dribbling skills in a game situation
  • Used their social skills to remain determination, communicate with their classmates and encourage one another

What the Teacher says

It has been a pleasure to teach 3FW hockey this half term. Their enthusiasm each week was fantastic and meant they soaked up feedback to really progress their skills. I loved seeing their sense of achievement when they mastered dribbling and passing and their excitement when they individually or collectively achieved a new skill within the sport. They have been a joy to teach and I look forward to seeing their game skills flourish and their social skills thrive. -Miss Beaumont- PE Teacher

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Year 4 This is Me Dance

Project Overview

This half term 4LB have been working on dance with Miss Beaumont. The dance focused upon being proud of who you are regardless of outside noise and becoming more confident. We were creating a circus style dance with theatrical performances!

To begin with the children were taught the opening 24 counts of the dance. This took a lot of concentration and all being in time with the music! The children worked really hard to soon pick these moves up.

From this, the children worked on group dances which they created themselves! They came up with some fantastic moves and shared their ideas brilliantly with one another. We included a timing and formation change by creating a whole class cannon line. 

Children then had to work in pairs to design their own paired move. We had some incredible moves including lifts and balances such as bridges and counter tension work. 

It was then time for our finale piece! This was where children could show their individual skills like splits, pyramids and cartwheels!

Mrs Singleton, Miss Taylor and Miss Brennan came to watch 4LB perform the dance. They commented on how hard the children must have worked and how much concentration they showed to perform such a long, exciting dance! Well done 4LB!

Year 4 This is Me Dance

What The Student Says

"This is really challenging but I am really proud of myself" "I love this dance!" "I enjoyed working with a partner and in groups" "My confidence in dance has grown" "I'm proud of my friends for learning the dance"

What skills were developed?

  • improved their abilities to learn and recall a whole dance
  • advanced their gymnastics and dance skills to perform different moves
  • been a supportive friend to their peers to encourage one another to keep working on the dance
  • developed their communication and language skills
  • improved in confidence when performing in front of others
  • followed instructions carefully
  • developed awareness of dance elements such as formation, speed and height changes

What the Teacher says

It has been incredible to see the children's skills and confidence within dance grow. Children have worked amazingly well as a whole class, in pairs and in their groups. It has been a challenging dance to learn but they have concentrated throughout and consistently wanted to better their performance. When the class did their final performance to Mrs Singleton, Miss Taylor and Miss Brennan I felt so proud of what they have achieved. Every week they have listened and worked together to create this amazing dance. Well done!

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