Beautiful Work – 22/23 – Summer 2

  • Year 4 – Scientific enquiry

    This half term, our class had a fantastic time conducting lots of different science experiments! We looked at all of the different scientific enquiry types and all the different things we could do to explore them. We especially enjoyed creating the best container to drop an egg in! Some of our eggs smashed but some…

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  • Reception – Sea, sun and Safari

    Reception – Sea, Sun and Safari  We have been travelling far this half term in Reception, as we learnt all about Africa!   We started our journey in Kenya reading the story ‘Handa’s surprise’. The children were encouraged to talk about all the different fruits in Handa’s basket, as well as the animals that live in…

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  • Year 6 – Wizard of Oz

    Year 6 – Wizard of Oz  This half term, the children have had the opportunity to be in our end of year production – Wizard of Oz. The children have been working hard on this for the whole year. It started off with after school club every week where the children worked with a pianist…

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  • Clapgate Sport and Health Week

    From Monday 3rd- Friday 7th July, all classes took part in Clapgate’s Sport and Health week. Within the week we had sports days, coached sessions ran by local sports clubs, healthy recipe making and a staff vs Y6 rounders match! Children got to try new sports, increase their movement amount and have fun whilst being…

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  • Year 3 – French

    Year 3 French Project Overview The children have been learning about ice creams in French this half term. Over several weeks they have been learnt how to name and recognise 10 different flavours for ice creams. They also learnt how to write the different flavours in French. Once they were confident with the different flavours…

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  • Year 2 – Multiplication and Division

    Year 2 have worked hard in maths to gain a deep understanding of multiplication and division. They have used counters to make groups and have learned how the representation of the groups can be expressed in different ways.  Drawing groups and writing equations has helped them to explore their understanding, and creating arrays has helped…

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  • Year 1 – Computing

    This half term the children have explored “Scratch Jr”. They have began making their own programmes and animating their own characters.  The children have explored Scratch Jr independently, they have loved creating their own backgrounds, characters and algorithms. They have followed simple instructions and have developed excellent skills. They started with simple 3 step programmes…

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