Year 3 History

Year 3- Ancient Egypt

This half term, we have been learning all about what life was like in Ancient Egypt!
We started by looking at a timeline and found out that life happened before the year 0. The Ancient Egyptians period lasted from around 3100 BCE to 332 BCE. During the half term, we investigated how life was different to our life now, discussed the various roles in society and considered how each one was important. We know that the Pharaohs were the most important members of society and we learnt about King Tutankhamun. The children had an opportunity to explore his tomb and think about why he was buried with certain objects. The Ancient Egyptians believed that life continued after death so we learnt all about mummification, and even had a go at mummifying some tomatoes! Children had the opportunity to make their own model of the River Nile and investigate how it was used to grow crops.
We also read a book about a little boy who went back in time to Ancient Egypt! Some children did some writing lessons about rescuing Henry, and we even went back in time to save him 

What The Student Says

"The Egyptians used to pull the brain out of the nose using a hook. They kept the organs in jars during mummification." "I liked exploring the tomb!" "It was fun trying to write messages using hieroglyphics."

What knowledge and skills have been developed?

  • developed their understanding of chronology and timelines.
  • learnt about what life was like in Ancient Egypt and compared if to life now.
  • shared their ideas about why King Tutankhamun was buried with key objects.
  • investigated key concepts through practical methods.
  • sequenced the stages of mummification.

What the Teacher says

This has been such a fun topic to teach! The children have been really engaged with their learning and have clearly enjoyed the topic. I've been very impressed with the children's work and the questions they have been asking. It has been nice having opportunities for the children to use their imagination, such as going back in time to Ancient Egypt and exploring the land, as well as learning the very interesting facts. -Miss Buxton

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