Nursery- Marvellous Me

Nursery – Marvellous Me

We have had a lovely first half term in Nursery. It has been so nice to see the children settle into their new environment and build positive new friendships with their peers. Over the half term, the children have developed their play skills as well as their social skills as they have explored both the indoor and outdoor provision. The children have especially enjoyed using the climbing frame to develop their gross motor skills! 

We have spent time learning all about ourselves over the recent weeks including what makes us special and unique. We read the story “I Love Me” to create a sense of positivity and belonging within the classroom. We also discussed our families and discovered that all families are different. Through this, the children drew their own family portraits and even created ‘Pebble Families’ which led to the children developing their communication skills through discussion and exploration. 

Not forgetting our recent visit to Middleton Park to explore our local community. When we arrived we looked at a map of the park to find out where, where we needed to walk and what we might see. We then had lots of fun exploring the woods and finding various treasures. We then had the opportunity to feed the ducks in the pond! 

What The Student Says

"Papa say strong."

"Brave. A roundabout."

"I live with Mumm and Daddy. She comes to visit my house."

"Were gunna find a bear."

I can see the park."

"That's my house."

What skills were developed?

  • learned to self regulate when separating from their caregivers.
  • begun to develop their turn taking and sharing skills.
  • Explored and grown confidence in a new environemnt.
  • developed their social skills and ability to take turns with their peers and grown ups.
  • built knowledge on their daily routines
  • learned all about themselves and their peers.

What the Teacher says

It has been so wonderful getting to know your child over the half term. I have really started to see their personalities begin to blossom as they have become more and more confident.

I have enjoyed going on lots of adventures with the children but i have most enjoyed learning all about their interests and finding out about what they enjoy doing!

- Miss Morton.

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