Reception – Sea, sun and Safari

Reception – Sea, Sun and Safari 

We have been travelling far this half term in Reception, as we learnt all about Africa!  

We started our journey in Kenya reading the story ‘Handa’s surprise’. The children were encouraged to talk about all the different fruits in Handa’s basket, as well as the animals that live in the savannah. We have been thinking about the differences between the UK and Africa and realised that sometimes in Africa people carry weaved baskets on their heads. The children created their very own beautiful weaved baskets just like Handa’s. 

We then continued our journey and read a traditional African story from Ghana called ‘Anansi the Spider’. We also talked about different fruits that grow in Africa, and why they grow there and not in the UK.  We then used our super chopping skills to chop up some of these fruits and make a yummy fruit salad. We loved eating it! We also listened to some traditional African drum music and discussed how this music differs from traditional western music. The children then joined in using their own drum. Super learning Reception!

What The Student Says

The mango was my favourite. It was so sweet and tasty!"

"I love playing the drums, it is so much fun! I can be very loud."

"The basket on my head was so heavy!"

"I can see a mango, avocado, passion fruit and guava juice!"

"The passion fruit is very tangy"

What skills were developed?

  • The children have:
  • tasted new foods and used their senses to describe them
  • compared life in the UK with life in a contrasting environment
  • written a non-fiction fact file
  • used finger spaces, capital letters and full stops when writing
  • carefully observed and used detail to create an observational drawing

What the Teacher says

I loved the children's enthusiasm this half term. They have continued to learn and grow with a big smile on their faces while also getting ready to transition to year 1.  I am so proud of their achievements and I can't wait to hear all about their new adventures next year.

Miss Korenika and Miss Barwick

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