Reception- Welcome to Reception

Reception- Settling in and having fun.

Project Overview

The children have settled excellently into Reception. They have begun to understand the routine of the day and the week, which is brilliant to see. They have spent much time working on relationships, making new friends and exploring the classroom. The children have learned about themselves, their families and their communities this half term.

Over the half term, they have read many exciting books to support their learning. The children really enjoyed The Colour Monster, Smeds and Smoo and Paddington goes to the Palace especially. It’s important to grasp a child’s attention through an interesting hook before teaching them different things.

The children particularly enjoyed exploring and learning about our school. They met important people in our wider school (Mrs Singleton and Miss Taylor even did some afternoon stories with the class), and each class also had a week of looking after the goats, chickens and guinea pigs. They looked at many maps and learnt that our school is in Belle Isle, which is in Leeds, and of course, we had our amazing school trip to the local library. The children have enjoyed their outdoor learning this half term- each week, they worked with natural objects to create new fun things.

The children have deepened their learning this half term by talking about the features of their bodies and faces, painting their self-portraits, learning how to regulate and talk about emotions and, of course, having lots of fun doing so.

What The Student Says

  • ”I liked playing outside. I liked playing at the climbing frame.”- Child RPC
  • ”I liked going to the chickens and the goats because I liked feeding them.”- Child RPC.
  • ”I loved going to the library because I love reading books.” – Child RPC 

What skills were developed?

The children have:
  • Understood how to listen carefully and know why listening is important.
  • Been able to name different feelings and emotions.
  • Been able to independently organise their own belongings in the morning/ afternoon.
  • Develop special friendships in class.
  • Been able to use core muscles to sit on the floor or at a table for around 20 minutes.
  • Learned how to effectively move:  rolling, crawling, walking, jumping, running, hopping, skipping, climbing.
  • Begin to hold a pencil correctly and form letter correctly.
  • Learnt the initial 25 sounds in RWI.
  •  Begun to engage in conversations about stories, demonstrating
    understanding of what it has been read to them.
  • Begun to hear initial, middle and end sounds in words and attempt to write CVC words.
  • Worked with numbers up to 3, understanding the composition and concept.
  • Learnt about family history and the understanding of their life and bodies.
  • Been able to recognise the United Kingdom,  England and Leeds, in relevance to their homes. 
  • Worked in guided painting activities to create representations of themselves and people (e.g. black line drawings of families, self-portraits).

What The Teacher Says

It’s my first year teaching Reception, and all of the children have made it a pleasure. I have loved getting to know both classes and seeing how unique and special each child and their interests are.

Each week, the children’s confidence grew and they’ve settled into Reception way of life. They are trying so hard with their exploring learning through play, reading, writing, and maths.
We are all super proud of you!

Miss Crowther – Class Teacher


What The Student Says

What skills were developed?

What the Teacher says

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