Year 6 – Wizard of Oz

Year 6 – Wizard of Oz 

This half term, the children have had the opportunity to be in our end of year production – Wizard of Oz. The children have been working hard on this for the whole year. It started off with after school club every week where the children worked with a pianist from our partners at Opera North and learnt all of the songs. They then auditioned in front others to secure their parts in the show. Once they had been given their parts it was then time to learn their lines and put the whole show together. The children and teachers worked tirelessly sorting out the show, the costumes and the stage props including backdrops. In June, the children started to sell tickets and performed in front of huge crowds over two nights. They were absolutely fantastic and did themselves proud!

What The Student Says

"It was really scary on the first night but I was so proud of myself for being brave"

"It was hard work to start with but it was worth it in the end."

"I loved every minute of it. I want to be an actor when I grow up."

What skills were developed?

  • worked on their oracy skills by practising projecting and pronunciation.
  • created life - long memories of working on a stage with stage directions, props and technological equipment.
  • built confidence in front of crowds.
  • persevered even when things were tricky and lines needed to be learnt.
  • been introduced to the arts and all the preparation that goes into a production.

What the Teacher says

The whole process was amazing and we have never been prouder of the children. There were times that were difficult and times that were easier but throughout the whole time, we made sure we had fun. The children had to learn a lot of lines and work together as a team to learn dance moves and stage directions. Both nights they performed amazingly and it will be something they will remember doing for a long time.

Miss Brennan, Miss Holmes and Miss O'Connell. 

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