Beautiful Work – 21/22 – Spring 2

  • PE- Year 3 Hockey

    This half term, 3FW focused on hockey as one of their two topics in PE with Miss Beaumont. A vast majority of the children had not played hockey before but this did not lessen their enthusiasm! All children were extremely keen to learn the various skills and rules within the sport.  To begin with we…

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  • Year 4- Writing

    Norse Mythology Project Overview This half term, we have been looking at Norse mythology in our writing. We have particularly focused on the stories of Thor. We researched Norse Gods and their enemies. Children worked in groups to design their own enemy and a weapon that could be used against that enemy. We then began…

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  • Reception – Dinosaurs

    Reception – Dinosaurs Project Overview In Reception this half term we have been learning about Dinosaurs. It all started with a curious find… Someone left a mysterious egg in our classroom! We decided to look after it, so we made a nest and signs to protect our egg. The children made their predictions on what…

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  • Nursery

    Nursery – Science Week Project Overview This half term, we took part in National Science Week. Every day that week, children accessed activities that focused on different types of scientific enquiry and developed their skills in working like scientists. For example, the children accessed activities that included investigating biscuits to discover which is the odd…

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  • Year 6 – History

    Crime and Punishment In history this half term, we have looked at crime and punishment through the ages. Throughout the year we have noticed the children have a real interest in history and gore, with a love for our Macbeth topic and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Working with this, the post-1066 thematic unit has…

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  • Art – Year 1

    Sculpture – a local artist study of Dame Barbara Hepworth Year 1 have been learning about sculpture this half term. They have looked at lots of different examples of sculptures and know that sculpture is three dimensional (not flat and can be viewed from different angles). They looked closely at the work of local artist…

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  • History- year 3 Egyptians

    Year 3- Walk like an Egyptian  This half term the children looked at the different aspects of life in ancient Egypt. We discovered so much about the exciting lives they led over 4000 years ago! Throughout this unit, we explored many different elements of ancient Egypt, even travelling there by plane! The children had their…

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  • Art – Year 2

    Year 2 – layered drawings using shape and colour The children in year 2 have been learning about the wonderful world of Pop Art with a focus on the work of American artist, Roy Lichtenstein. They looked at some examples of his work and noticed his use of colour, simple shapes, words and Benday dots.…

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