Year 6 – London

This half term the children have completed their SATS. The children have worked extremely hard and we finished off the month of May with a trip to our capital city – London. The children absolutely loved it and all behaved impeccably!! We started off our trip nice and early at 7.15am, went down on a coach and stopped off at Hyde Park. From there we went to all of the top tourist places such as Buckingham Palace, Houses of parliament, Downing street and the London Eye. The children then went and spent their money in Leicester Square and finished off with tea at Pizza Hut. After a long day of walking, we rested our feet at the theatre and watched Matilda – what a performance!! The children were absolutely mesmerised and inspired by the amazing acting. The following day we had excellent weather and headed to London Zoo. The children saw an array of animals and learnt interesting facts about each one. We also got to watch the animals being fed which was fascinating! We then headed back on the coach and made our way back to Leeds. 

What The Student Says

"I have never been to London before. It was amazing!" "My favourite part was Matilda because I want to be an actress when I grow up" "I have never done so many steps!!" "It was brilliant to go and visit London as it has a lot of amazing places to see. Buckingham palace was huge and my favourite place to see."

What skills were developed?

  • developed their communication skills
  • asked questions
  • learnt about their capital city
  • widened their understanding of British Culture
  • been independent and mature

What the Teacher says

"It was an absolute pleasure to take year 6 to London and I have never een such well - behaved children. They were fascinated by everything they say and had so many questions to ask. The children have worked extremely hard this half term and the end of year residential waas the cherry on top of the cake. Well done Year 6!"

Miss Brennan - Class Teacher

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