4RM Team Games

Alongside swimming, 4RM had chance to work on  Team Games within PE. The children were challenged to learn a number of new games and explore tactics that could be used to help their team succeed. The children needed to communicate with one another, follow advice given and reflect upon performance across the team games lessons.

One game played was Team Tig in which the class were split into four team. Out of these four teams, one team were the tiggers. They could tig anybody with the aim to get full teams out. When tug, players could only be freed by a member from their team. This meant if the whole team was tug, there was no-one to save them so the whole team were out and the tigging team gained 5 points. Tigging teams needed to work on an approach that would help them to get full teams out. A range of tactics were tried and the class were brilliant at reflecting on performances and seeing what worked and didn’t work.

We also played Crossover in which teams are trying to get across the oppositions area without getting tug to make it to their team’s end zone (at the other side of the oppositions area). A game of attack and defence- children had to assign roles within their teams and adjust this as the game played out. The children enjoyed Crossover so much they have been organising games of it themselves at breaktimes!

The children were great at analysing performances and making appropriate adjustments to their teams tactics throughout. It was fantastic to see so much progress and wonderful to see the children using their social skills so positively. Well done 4RM!

What The Student Says

"I love crossover! I want to play it all the time" "It's been really fun playing different games" "Our team focused on one team at a time to get them all out. We thought this would be most successful" "Team talk!!"

What skills were developed?

  • worked on their tactical awareness and adjusting their approach according to the situation
  • developed their communication skills in both listening to the rules, sharing ideas, discussing their thoughts and making plans
  • shown determination, motivation and grit to keep going even when things became difficult
  • combined and utilised physical skills such as dodging, agility, speed & endurance
  • taken on different roles including leadership roles, motivator, defending, attacker
  • worked on the importance of all playing a part as a team and how essential it is that everyone tries to ensure success and enjoyment

What the Teacher says

It has been fantastic to teach the children these new games and see how they have adapted their performance whilst playing them. They have all worked so hard and shown such determination whether this was to tig someone, get to their teams end zone, get a team member back into the game. The children never gave up and shared ideas and approaches brilliantly. They discussed in their teams what had worked and things that they could adjust with maturity and consideration for one another. Children helped their peers within the games and all of them played a part for their team. Well done 4RM! Mrs Clark, PE Teacher & Subject Leader

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